The Russian Far East is a magical land with amazingly beautiful nature, a unique animal world and unusual landscapes with volcanoes, geysers, dense forests. Unfortunately, the tourist infrastructure of the region is still poorly developed, which makes it difficult to organize ground-based programs. Therefore, the best way to explore all the riches of the Far East is an expedition cruise.

Unlike a traditional sea cruise, here every tourist becomes a full member of the expedition team. The main goal of such a trip is the closest possible communication with untouched nature, an amazing animal world and an acquaintance with the culture of small nations.

Experienced expedition guides will tell in detail all the features of the far land and conduct fascinating lectures on board. Every day, zodiac boats are set off to the foothills of volcanoes, to rookeries of marine mammals (sea lions, northern fur seals), to bird markets. Participants of the cruise are also waiting for meetings with whales.

Unlike the traditional sea cruise, here every tourist becomes a full member of the expedition team. The main goal of such a trip is the closest possible communication with untouched nature.

Small expedition ships go on unique routes that allow for a short time to visit several regions - Chukotka, Kuril Islands and the Commander Islands, Kamchatka - and see the Far East in everything its diversity. However, an expedition cruise does not mean lack of comfort. On the ships there is a bar, a cozy lounge, a lecture hall and a library with a large collection of thematic literature. From the spacious captain's bridge, stunning views of volcanoes and coastal landscapes open.

 Far East cruises Expedition cruises in the Far East
 Cruises to the Far East  Expeditionary cruises in the Far East cruises in the Far East

Cruise itineraries

The cruise itineraries are varied and calculated from 10 to 14 days. The main ports are Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Anadyr and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Even the most demanding travelers will be able to choose the program to their liking and feel like a pioneer of this little explored region.

In Kamchatka, passengers will be able to go on boats "Zodiac" up the river Zhupanov and watch the majestic Steller's sea eagles nesting along the coast, to the mouth of the river, to visit the fishing camp and try the catch of the day . But, perhaps the most important sight of Kamchatka is the Kronotsky Reserve, in the territory of which there is the famous Valley of Gay zerov . The vessel will go to the gulf of Olga, which is part of the reserve, this area of ​​the gulf is frequented by gray whales, which can be observed while walking on the "Zodiacs" .

On the Commander Islands the most popular places of visits - Cape North-West, known for its numerous colony of northern fur seals and sea lions, and Arian Kamen, which strikes a variety of nesting birds here. The village of Nikolskoe is also interesting, where locals will gladly tell their guests about life in this remote and rarely visited corner of the world.

 Far East cruises article  Expedition cruises in the Far East
 Article cruises to the Far East  Expedition cruises in the Far East

On the peninsula of Goven, cruise owners visit the Koryak Reserve, where several types of terrain are presented: from plains to steep , glaciated mountains. The coastal waters are extremely rich in a variety of marine life, which, in turn, causes the richness of the terrestrial animal world. With some luck, you can see the famous Kamchatka bear and the Kamchatka snow sheep.

Having landed on the island of Karaginsky, travelers will be able to explore the tundra and small birch groves scattered around the island. Here you can find about a dozen species of birds, and in the coastal waters there live seals, sea pigs and their deadly killer whales.

Far East

One day the ship can go to the lagoon of Titin, the most picturesque lagoon The Far East of Russia, which is surrounded by tundra, glaciers and jagged peaks, the slopes of which are covered with dwarf pines and birches. Here, the expedition members will look for brown bears and rare gray whales, which are believed to have less than 100 individuals on the entire planet. Chukotka is famous for its fertile river valleys, where reindeer herders like to bring their cattle in the summer. To land on the coast is worth to enjoy the spectacle of a lot of wild flowers and explore the rich fauna of these places.

Unique Wrangel Island Reserve, visited by only 150 tourists a year, is known primarily for the fact that it is a "birth" of polar bears . And the unique flora of its wealth has no analogues in the entire Arctic. These are just some of the sights and adventures that are open to researchers of the Far East.

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