Photo tours around Russia are an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the magnificent splendor and amazing variety of landscapes of our homeland and increase the level of photo art, capturing them to the "figure" under the strict guidance of the accompanying pros .A lot of interesting and often outlandish landscapes of the Caucasus and the Kaliningrad region, Kamchatka and the Urals, Altai and Baikal are asking for a shot - just be in time to notice the beauty around and, importantly, change the memory card to the fault in time .And in Russia there live hundreds of nationalities, each of which has its own history, way of life and traditions - from Eskimos to Ossetians, from Cossacks to nomads of the South Russian steppes .In a word, fans of landscape photography will find space for creativity in Russia, and fans of the "ethnic component" - the main thing is to plan the route correctly photo tour .And this is already the task of the organizers, and it's nice that every year photo tours around Russia are becoming more and more diverse and popular both among beginners in photography and among those in whose assets there are not one hundred thousand frames .

Photographs on Russia - pluses and ... again pluses

Why should Russia be preferred as a direction for a photo tour? First, such trips are ideal for those who are not at odds with foreign languages, do not have a foreign passport or just do not want to "break away" from their native culture .In the regions there are more and more options for accommodation at affordable prices, the network of rail and air transportation in Russia is well developed, and communicate to the great and mighty pleasure .In addition, a photo tour of the "nearest land" - for example, the outskirts of Moscow or the suburbs of St. Petersburg - is an excellent find for those who can not afford longer and more expensive trips .And impressions such a photo-gift will give us at least .

Secondly, Russian landscapes are simply amazing - that is quite understandable with the length of the country from west to east 10 000 km, and from north to south - 4 000 km .Before the lens of your "mirror" are ready to appear boundless steppes and formidable mountain ranges, the purest blue lakes and snow-capped peaks, the Central Russian emerald valleys and the Siberian rivers, along whose banks the mighty valleys are taiga forests .And the Russian climate, in which all four seasons are clearly pronounced, will make the trip even to the same place but in different months, by traveling full of new impressions .

A photo tour of the "nearest land" - for example, the outskirts of Moscow or the suburbs of St. Petersburg - is an excellent find for those who can not afford more distant and expensive trips.
The Magnificent Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, Moscow Photo tours in Russia
The Great Cascade in Peterhof, Russia Photo tours in Russia
The Biya River, Altai Photo tours in Russia

What and where are we shooting?

Variety of landscapes - the "horse" of photography in Russia .In our country it is possible without exaggeration to shoot everything and everywhere .For metropolitan residents, you can start with a one-two-day trip through the Moscow region: the magnificent manors Arkhangelskoe, Ostafievo, Shakhmatovo and Marfino, the stunning New Jerusalem, the "musical" Wedge, the majestic Zvenigorod, the glorious Borodino ... here is just a partial list of ideal places for photo sessions .Similarly, residents of St. Petersburg are invited to shoot in Petergof, Kronstadt, Vyborg or Staraya Ladoga .If you are comfortable in the "surroundings", join the photo tours around Altai, Baikal and Kamchatka, in the Elbrus region and the Caucasus, in the Sayans and the Arkhangelsk region ... - it's good that there are plenty of offers, and you will definitely find your "own" region .

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Photo tours in Russia