Siberia. This is a historical and geographical area within the Asian part of Russia, which was settled in the Stone Age. In natural terms, Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia are distinguished. Eastern occupies the territory from the Yenisei to the ridges of the Pacific watershed. The climate is mostly severe, sharply continental.

Siberians. Historically, the ethnic population of Siberia is mixed, indigenous people call themselves Siberians. A distinctive feature of Siberians is peace, honesty, goodwill and hospitality. Under the law of the taiga, they are always ready to help. The majority of Siberians, especially hunters and fishermen, differ from European compatriots with greater endurance and resistance to diseases.

Siberian customs .Customs and traditions of the local population are rooted in the cultural heritage of ancient peoples, who in the past inhabited the territory of the modern Baikal region .Some of the customs are echoes of ancient shamanic and Buddhist rites .Among them there is a developed cult of the mountains, the cult of mountains, the worship of the Forever Blue Sky (Huhae Munhe Tengri) .Near to it it is necessary to stop and reverently present gifts to spirits .If you do not stop at both and do not make sacrifices - good luck will not be .According to the Buryats, each mountain and valley has its own spirit . The Buryats have a custom of "sprinkling" the spirits of the terrain. As a rule, before drinking alcohol, they drip a little bit on a table from a glass or with one finger, usually anonymous, lightly touching alcohol and sprinkling upward. Resign yourself to the fact that in the most unexpected places during the trip you will have to stop and "sprinkle" with alcohol.

There are certain rules when visiting Buryat yurts .When entering the Buryat yurt, one should not step on the yurt threshold, it is considered impolite .Weapons and luggage, as a sign of their good intentions, it is necessary to leave outside $ ±.You can not enter a yurt with any burden .The northern half of the yurt is considered more honorable, here they accept guests .You can not sit unauthorized without an invitation on the northern honorable side .The eastern half of the yurt (as a rule, to the right of the door, the entrance of the yurt is always facing south) is considered female, the left one is male .This division is preserved and now .

The custom of hospitality. Bringing tea to the visitor, the landlady as a sign of respect submits the bowl with both hands. The guest should accept it also with both hands - this shows respect to the house. On taiglagans or shamanistic rituals, one should not strive to touch shaman's clothes, tambourine and all the more anything to wear from shamanistic attributes on oneself to take a picture. There is a belief that some objects, especially those related to magic, carry in themselves a certain amount of power. It is strictly forbidden for a simple person to say aloud shamanic prayers (durdalga) for the sake of entertainment.

Siberian cuisine. A special local highlight is the low-fat Baikal omul, Siberian dumplings and "Siberian" meat are also widely known. Photos of Siberia (189)