The Putin-Medvedev government has already left an indelible mark in the history of Russia. Ahead of the residents of the country are waiting for several important events, and international scale. It is about the Winter Olympics in Sochi, the football world championship and the Universiade. About the latest feast of sports spirit and will be discussed.

The Universiade is a kind of analogue of the Olympic Games, in which students participate. The competitions are held every four years and are divided into winter and summer. In the sports world, the Universiade takes an honorable place, so that Kazan, which will host students in 2013, provided close attention to the whole world. Is this not an occasion to visit the capital of Tatarstan?

Universiade 2013 in Kazan
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Universiade 2013 in Kazan
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What is the Universiade

About what the Universiade is, you can find out directly on the site of events. The Kazan game will be held from 6 to 17 July. To get to the venue easily - the city accepts all types of transport, including water.

Those who want to be fully armed, we inform: the first Universiade was held in 1959. It was the result of the development of student sports. Indeed, if the world chooses the best athletes among adults, then why not hold similar competitions among students?

The principle of the games is simple enough: every country that is declared at the tournament, represents its Sami, the most athletes. Draws of medals are held in various sports. It is possible to rejoice at each specific prize place, you can follow the team record.

By the way, in Russia the Universiade was already held - in the summer of 1973 the players were hosting the capital of the heyday of Leonid Brezhnev. So for Russia as-no, but there is experience of holding such competitions.

The Universiade for many athletes became a launching pad in the big sport. For example, such well-known Soviet athletes as Larisa Latynina, Valery Brumel, Valery Skvortsov, Tamara Press won the Games.

The last 4 Universiades were triumphal for Russia - our team took first place in the team event. There is no one better than Russian students! In Kazan, this successful tradition will certainly continue.

Symbols, motto and hymn of the Universiade

People responsible for the development of the student games are obsessed with the idea: the logo of each Universiade should contain the letter U. This emphasizes the ownership of the competition to the International Federation of Student Sports (FISU).

For these reasons, the Universiade 2013 logo looks like this: a rectangle consisting of the English words "Universiade", "Kazan", "Russia" and including the year and five FISU stars.

The kitten of the winged snow leopard Uni was chosen as the mascot of the Games. Winged snow leopard - part-time symbol of the Republic of Tatarstan. So the decision was obvious.

"Faster, higher, stronger" - the motto of the Olympics - was rejected by students. They decided that every Game will be held under its own motto. In Kazan, he will be: "U are the world". The notorious letter U treats this slogan in two ways: "You are this world" and "Universiade is the world."

But the Universiade's hymn is known to almost every former student - this is Gaudeamus. In general, even in the summer, young people are not allowed to forget about lectures, seminars, sleepless nights.

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Where to live during the Universiade

Any major sporting event is a headache for hoteliers. Local authorities are beginning to closely monitor the infrastructure of hotels, so that the city does not hit the dirt in the face. All hotels in no time should comply with international standards. Otherwise, they will not be allowed to the bodies of athletes and guests of the Games.

On the eve of the Universiade 15 new hotels will appear in Kazan. The city will receive about 100 thousand tourists from 180 countries. Certainly in the capital of Tatarstan there will be no problems with accommodation. Here will be presented as hotels of well-known international networks - Marriott, Hilton, Park Inn - and small 2-3-star hotels.

In many sports, Russians are among the favorites, so you can easily book tickets for any competitions and cheer for your country.

Most likely, local authorities will follow the formation of prices - this is a common practice for large competitions. For example, during the Summer Olympics in London or the European Football Championship in Poland and Ukraine, hoteliers tried not to overestimate the cost of living in order not to scare tourists.

What to see at the Universiade

A wide variety of programs await the audience. Kazan is going to set a record in the number of sports - from there will be presented as many as 27 pieces. For sure the most interesting for most viewers will be tournaments on football, volleyball, tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics. In many sports, Russians are among the favorites, so you can easily book tickets for any competitions and cheer for your country.

The competitions will be held in more than 60 arenas. The largest objects of the Universiade are: the Village (part-time student campus), a football stadium with 45,000 seats, the Tennis Academy, the Water Sports Palace, the Combat Palace, the center of volleyball, boxing and table tennis and the rowing channel on Lake Sredniy Kaban. br>

Tickets for the Universiade

The sale of tickets for the Games started in September 2012. However, it is still possible to buy vouchers for competitions, which the audience will then exchange for tickets. Approximately every three months, the cost of vouchers will increase - the current 500-ruble by the start of the Games will be already 1, 5 thousand.

It is too early to speak about the exact price of tickets. Most likely, the spread will be the following: the closing and opening ceremonies will cost from 750 to 2000 rubles, qualifying competitions will cost up to 300 rubles, and the finals will be up to 900 rubles.
Kazan prepares for the Universiade 2013 Universiade 2013 in Kazan
Volunteer camp prepares for the Universiade 2013 Universiade 2013 in Kazan
Traditional hospitality - and at the Universiade 2013 Universiade 2013 in Kazan
Universiade 2013 in Kazan Universiade 2013 in Kazan

Cultural program

Any Universiade is a great fascinating get-together. If tens of thousands of students come to you at the same time, then the city is provided with a cheerful life for several weeks.

During the games in Kazan, something interesting will happen every day. Organizers promise festivals of theater, cinema, music, ballet. Competitions, competitions, tournaments for the title of the best artists, artists and other adherents of high art will take place in the city.

The main task of Kazan is to show oneself in all its glory. The city, widely known in Russia, is going to loudly announce itself to the whole world. And in this capital of Tatarstan the Summer Universiade will help.