What is the tax-free system in Slovenia? Do I need to show purchased items, and if so, do I need to do this before registering or after?

Answer Elena Ermakova, Russian Express
To get a tax refund, fill out the receipt before signing up and with a passport and checks, go to the customs counter to put the seal. Be ready to show your purchases - they should not be worn, with labels and price tags. After that, register for the flight, go through passport control and get a refund at the tax free stand.

The rules may vary slightly in different countries and even in different airports. For example, everything is very strict at the airport in Prague, and the customs officers in Pardubice do not fuck with the little things.

Answer information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
In Slovenia, all foreign citizens who do not have EU citizenship when exporting the purchased in the country of the goods have the right to tax refund (Tax Free Shopping). The exception is cigarettes, alcohol and goods at a price of less than 50 EUR. To return the tax, you need a special check Refund Cheque, which is issued in large private and in all state stores. To make sure that you have come to the address, look for the Global Refund Tax Free logo at the sales points.

Upon arrival at the airport, even before the luggage is delivered, it is necessary to pass to the customs control with checks for all purchased goods, where the customs officer will print them . The customs officer also has the right to request the requested purchases (in the shop package and with labels) . In fact, customs are very rarely satisfied with a full inspection . After the whole procedure with stamped checks, one must go on check-in and hand over the luggage . You can get lucky, and (Cash Refund Offise), you will immediately receive cash in cash . If the flight is overnight or the return point is not working for some reason, the check can be mailed to Global Refund to receive a payment on your personal credit card, or by bank check to the specified address .

August 2, 2013

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