Kilimanjaro is the sparkling summit of Africa. So in 1936 Hemingway called in his story "Snow Kilimanjaro" this majestic square top. She went up with her gigantic and unbelievably white under the sun contour. Standing alone and contrasting with the red earth of the savannah and the greenery of the open woodlands, the mountain seemed a mirage that arose from the impact of the African sun. That's what the "Crown of Tanzania" looked like once.

Scientists say that since the beginning of the 20th century, the mountain-volcano Kilimanjaro has lost about 80% of its hanging glaciers. They are deservedly recognized as a miracle of nature, since they exist only 3 "longitudes south of the equator.

From space, the Earth has long been photographed from all sides, so you will not be surprised at snow caps and colored icebergs. However, there are few places on the planet where cacti are covered with hoarfrost in the morning, and in the rain forest you can fall under a snowfall. Is this not the decisive motivation for climbing Kilimanjaro in the middle of a real African scam?

Annually thousands of travelers are climbing the extinct Tanzanian volcano, among them about 10% professional mountaineers. At the peak of the tourist season, the number of visitors reaches 2 thousand people. per month.
Mountain in all its glory, Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro - sparkling peak of Africa
Fauna of the world Kilimanjaro - sparkling peak of Africa
Climbing, Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro - sparkling peak of Africa

On the one hand, the slopes of the mountain differ in flatness, so overcoming them is not a big deal for a healthy person. On the south side - a steep wall with steep icefalls, ice terraces and huge pillars. There are almost no tourist trails and parking places.

Journey to the top takes several days, some of which are allocated for acclimatization. During the ascent, there are several climatic zones, surprising by their unlikeness.

The path begins in the savannah, heated to heat, passing into the rain forest zone, alpine or heath meadows. The height of 4 thousand meters meets with eternal fogs, which slip off the slopes with a ragged shroud. Through the holes in it you can admire the picturesque landscapes. But more often the fog limits visibility to 3 m and makes further progress difficult.

The most desperate travelers during the climb to Kilimanjaro can stroll to the inner crater of a volcano with a diameter of about 800 m. Its huge funnel leaves three giant ledges into the abyss of the planet's interior.

Above are the life-deprived ash fields, completely strewn with a variety of boulders - "volcanic bombs." Once they were thrown out of the mouth of the volcano, and from time to time grew in moss. The zone ends with a belt of eternal snows and cascading glaciers, at the foot of which it seems that the whole world lies on the palm of your hand.

The most desperate travelers can walk to the inner crater of a volcano with a diameter of about 800 m. Its huge funnel leaves three giant ledges into the abyss of the planet's interior.

Despite its beauty, Kilimanjaro, like all mountains, is a harsh part of nature. The ascent to the top may seem long and sometimes exhausting, because you need to go slowly without knocking your breath.

However, the liveliness of hiking trails never fades. And the feeling of being the conqueror of the highest peak of Africa will forever remain an unforgettable impression.