El-Kef (fr).Le Kef, from the Arabic al-kaf - "rock") is a small town with a population of 50 thousand at a distance of 175 km from the capital of the country and only 40 km from the border with Algeria, the olive heart of Tunisian outback and a strategic point on the way to several carefully hidden history of the wonders of Tunisia .Starting with the creations of nature - the table mountain of Jugurtha, and ending with the acts of human hands - one of the few Roman baths in operation today in Hammam Meleg, - everything in the vicinity of El-Kef has a plume of exclusivity and mystery .In addition to spiritual food, you can also taste food and material - the region produces one of the best brands of olive oil in Tunisia .The

El Kef
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How to get to El Kefa

El-Kef can be reached in several ways:

  • on a rented car is the most convenient way of transportation, which allows not only to come to the city, but also to move comfortably in its surroundings. In the area of ​​El-Kefa good roads, supported by the authorities in due condition due to profits from the trade of olive oil, and to the capital and a first-class highway is laid.
  • on the bus of the state company SNTRI. From Tunis to El-Kef, 15 buses depart daily, the journey time is 3 hours, the fare-10 TND. The resort cities are not connected by direct SNTRI-communication with El-Kef, and will have to be reached from the coast to the capital. From Nabeul, Hammamet and Sousse, you can get to El-Kef by bus to the regional transport company SRTG Le Kef. On the day there are 2 buses from each city, the cost is 10 TND from Nabeul, 9 TND from Hammamet, 9, 5 TND from Suss.
  • on a minibus from Suss or Tunisia (direct) or with a transfer from any resort city.

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How to navigate in the city

The old town of El-Kef from the north and north-east is surrounded by a fortification wall, most of the sights are in its western part. Independence Square (Place de l'Indépendence) serves as a staging post between the old city and modern El Kef. There are two tourist offices, several modest hotels and restaurants. The bus station and the minibus station are 300 meters south of the square.

4 things to do in El Kefa
  1. Overlook the endless olive plantations from the lookout tower of the city fort.
  2. Steam in a 1800-year-old Roman bath.
  3. Buy olive oil brand for understanding Sicca Veneria.
  4. Climb to the picturesque table mountain of Yugurta.

Weather forecast for El-Kefa

In the western areas of Tunisia, including in El-Kefa, sharply the continental climate reigns: in winter it is very cool, with frequent wind-piercing winds, and in summer it is hot, like in an oven. Carefully plan your wardrobe before the trip; from October to March do not forget the umbrella.


It can not be said that there is a great choice of restaurants in El-Kefa, but it is not difficult to find a place where you can have a snack and even more or less worthy to have dinner. .Most establishments are located on Independence Square and nearby streets .Here you can freeze the worm "Cascrut" - a Tunisian sandwich in a baguette cut in two, eat a panini or pizza .Go to the popular restaurants of Tunisian cuisine, for example, in Bou Makhlouf or Andalous: this is an excellent occasion to try couscous and soup-lewebi, "sharpened" for local captious taste buds, and to feel the difference with the hotel concoction .The

El Kef is the olive heart of the Tunisian outback and a strategic point on the way to several carefully hidden history of Tunisia's miracles.

El Kefah hotels

Like the restaurant field, hotel options are not so hot. However, given the remoteness of El-Kef from popular resorts, you may want to spend the night in the city, so that you can look around with all the nearby sights. To decent places include Hotel-Residence Venus and Hotel Les Pins, the latter with air-conditioned rooms and a swimming pool. The cost of accommodation is about 50 TND for a double room.

What to bring from El-kefah

In addition to souvenirs showing the city and surrounding attractions, pay attention to the local olive oil Sicca Veneria (by the way, it is the Roman name El-Kef) - fragrant and very tasty, for which deservedly appreciated in the domestic market.

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions El-Kef

In the city

Medieval military fortress kasba dominates the city from the hill of Eddir and includes two forts .At the western end of the fortress is the Small Fort with four towers, built in 1601 .The large fort occupies the eastern part of the kasba, it was erected in the Turkish era (17th century) and significantly expanded in the next two centuries .On the territory of the kasbah it will also be interesting to see the Turkish mosque, prison cells and a bronze cannon left over from the Algerian siege at the beginning of the 18th century .Do not forget to climb the edge of the fortress wall to enjoy a stunning view of the surrounding area of ​​El Kefa .The

The large fort of Kasbah El-Kef leads the longest military history of all similar structures in Tunisia. The first garrison was placed here in the Phoenician era, in the 5th century. BC, and the last military left its walls in 1992 as a result of the redeployment of Tunisian internal troops.

The Museum of Folk Crafts and Traditions deserves the closest attention - one of the best collections of arts and crafts and household items in the country is collected here: a real nomadic tent and old millstones for flour melting, traditional Berber silver ornaments and bedspreads, which nomads cover camels in cold winter night. A separate room tells about female labor: spinning, making carpets, grinding grain and preparing couscous.

Look into the La Griba synagogue, the second most important in Tunisia after the eponymous Djerba. The building was restored in 1994. Inside you can see old commemorative wooden plaques, an invitation to a wedding, dated 1952, one of the oldest scrolls in Torah in Tunisia and the rarest copies of the so-called Judeo-Arabic script: when Arabic words are written using Hebrew letters (something like the usual SMS-transliteration of Privet ! Kak dela?).

The source of Ras al-Ain once served as the reason for the emergence of El-Kef: its waters were nourished by the Roman settlement of Sikka, Venice. Nearby are the ruins of thermal baths and water tanks.

Among the monuments of the Christian era are the basilica (today from it there were only ruins) and a well-preserved Church of St. Peter - both 4 century. n. e. The thought of mortification continues to three cemeteries, located on the hillside to the east of El-Kef's kusby: Jewish, Muslim and Christian.

Old photos and modern views of El Kefa

Hammam Meleges

In the village of Hammam Meleg, located 15 km from El Kef, you can visit a real Roman bath, one of the few in Tunisia that still exists today. After 1,800 years after the construction of the term, little has changed here: the division into a cold, warm and hot hall, as well as the extensive recreational zone favored by the Romans. The hammam is fed by a hot sulfate source, the water temperature is 42 °. Inside the hammam there are two separate halls for men and women.

Pay attention to the marble steps leading to the pool: over long centuries of using the hammam, the iodine elements contained in the water painted them in a rich burgundy color.

Table Mountain of Yugurth

The geological miracle of Tunisia is the only mountain table in the country, named after the Numidian commander of Jugurtha, is located 60 km from El-Kef in the vicinity of the village of Kalaat-Senan. From the city you can get there by bus in 45 minutes and 2 dinars. If you are traveling on a rented car, look for pointers to Plateau de Jugurtha. At the top of the mountain (1271 m.) Can only be reached on foot, count for an hour with a small path. Persistent will be rewarded with a stunning view of the surrounding area and the absolutely flat surface of the "table".

Roman Ruins of Maktar

The archaeological park is located at a sufficient distance from El-Kefa (69 km.), However it is the nearest to Maktar relatively large city. You can get here by bus route El-Kef - Kairouan (an hour and a quarter on the road, the ticket costs 3 dinars) or a shuttle bus. Admirers of ancient ruins will be delighted by the beautifully preserved Triumphal Arch, the city's square-forum and a large-scale bath complex, one of the best preserved in Tunisia.

Masterpiece of the term Maktar - mosaic panel of the central hall with stunning azure, emerald, carmine and orange fragments.

There is also a small museum with Roman mosaics, early Christian tombstones, coins and terracotta lamps. Photos El Kef (12)