Tunisian cuisine is a fusion of Eastern and Western, Arab and French, Asian and European .With rare exceptions, it is now impossible to say which of the many dishes Tunisia inherited from the Turks, what the Spaniards introduced, and what immigrated from France .Undoubtedly one: Tunisians with enthusiasm and imagination are preparing everything that gives birth to a fertile North African land and bring waves of the Mediterranean Sea .The meal itself as such takes an honorable place in the circle of daily activities - suffice it to say that Tunisians never eat on the move or standing, and in most families it is not customary to warm up yesterday's dish: fresh food prepares for every meal .Restaurants in Tunisia are located without exaggeration at every turn, and their number easily zatykayut for the belt even souvenir shops .In short, acquaintance with local cuisine should be on the mandatory list of vacation Tunisian pleasures .In the end, there are stones of Carthage! And here is couscous in kerkenski with squid, stuffed with rice and greens ...

Tunisian cuisine
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The rules of deli

Not sparing his belly

In Tunisia, they eat to not only enjoy the taste, but also to saturate - they absolutely do not recognize the superfluous serving of dishes, at which in the center of a huge plate the tiny salad of salad is lonely pounding. Most of the hot dishes in restaurants (for example, whole fish, couscous or lamb ragout in a pot) are already served in the calculation for two eaters. Consider this when ordering - after a variety of cold and hot snacks it is often not possible to put hot, which is insulting.


In Tunisian restaurants of any level, from folk diners to "three forks" establishments, the first change of cold appetizers (Harissa, Meshuiia salad, olives, tuna, and sometimes Misochka with different vegetable salads) is not included in the bill. Garnish when ordering fish or meat (french fries, spaghetti, rice, etc.) is also not charged. This is done in order to spend customers and show that in general, the income of the restaurant is not the main thing, the most important goal is to tasty feed and call again.

Food for the masses

Lunch in Tunisia can be on any wallet .In street restaurants, even if they do not give crazy dishes, but definitely feed fresh and tasty food .A popular "snack" will be chewed up (from Fri .casse-croûte - light breakfast) - half baguette, stuffed with harissa, salad, canned tuna, sausage mugs, slices of fried chicken escalope, tomatoes and olives, will cost 2, 5 dinars (50 rubles) .At the same time, the risk of poisoning is completely absent: the source products cost a penny, and the institution is easier to throw away a stale goods than lose a customer .The

Couscous in Tunisia enjoys special honor: the ways of its preparation are hundreds, if not thousands, and each village is proud of its only correct recipe.

Sharpness, condiments, sweets

Tunisians are accustomed to cold-blooded absorption of witticisms: hot pepper whole, as well as pieces, pastes and ground powder .While you are ready to rush around the restaurant with your mouth open, trying to cool the fire with a counter-flow of air, a local will quack and scratch his nose at most .A variety of seasonings here are used no less generously, but very appropriate and with full knowledge of the case, so get ready that the ordered dish will be much more fragrant than you might imagine .Sweets are traditionally served at the end of the meal, and they are really sweet: they are usually made on the basis of honey, nuts, dates and powdered sugar .Tea is also very sweet: in Tunisia talks about the dangers of excessive consumption of sugar are considered to be frivolous .The

Your swamp is praised

Regionalism in Tunisian cuisine is the defining feature of .Each local resident will praise the couscous / shorba / harissa of his native city, with contempt regarding the gastronomic habits of other localities in the country .In the first place - "but how my mom prepares squid ...", on the second - "what couscous do in our city ...", on the third - "real bread - it is only on the coast, in the south - a wet wet cloth! ».Of course, such statements should be treated with a grain of skepticism: the dishes are prepared in their own way in different regions of Tunisia, but everywhere is equally tasty .The

Visiting restaurants: chips and know-how

So, you sat down at the restaurant table, and the master of the institution obligingly flung open the menu .Prepare to find there a page with cold snacks, then - a list of hot appetizers, then a list of main dishes: soup, fish and meat, assorted desserts and wine card .According to the rule of grocery stores No. 1, we recommend that you limit yourself to a maximum of two cold and hot snacks (if you are two and you are well-acquainted - so that you can try without hesitation from the companion's dish), since you can hardly cope with a couple of plates .Then select the main hot dish (remember about the possibility to order it for two) and pause with dessert - it can be added to the meal later, if the forces remain .Be sure to water the gastronomic holiday with alcohol: Tunisian wines are soft, fragrant and affectionate, and not aggressive, stupefying .The

Lovers of fish should take into account that all the sea gifts are local, not imported and guaranteed fresh. At a fish meal is better to go when the sea is calm (as is easily seen by going out to the hotel beach in the morning) - then the choice of fish in restaurants is much larger. The explanation is simple: in the storm, firstly, the fishermen do not put the network out of fear of tearing or confusing them in waves, and secondly, the very representatives of the cold-blooded do not really like coastal whorls, and they go to the depth inaccessible to fishing gear. br>

In Tunisian restaurants, tips are not included in the bill, and if you liked the service, you can leave the "type" to the waiter from the worldwide calculation of 10% of the order amount.

Dishes of Tunisia

Kitchen proper

Cold starters

Tunisians begin the meal with Harissa - a sharp pasta of grated red pepper with the addition of olive oil, garlic and spices. There are a lot of species of Harissa: different grinds, smoked and ordinary, domestic and industrial. From the serving bowl, pick up some charissa on your plate, pour it lightly with olive oil, break off a piece of baguette and pop it into the mixture. First try harissu in the amount of the tip of one tooth of a fork.

Tuna and olives are also essential ingredients of snacks. Tuna is served canned, olives - green or black, with a bone. This can be supplemented with different salads: "Omac Khuria" from grated boiled carrots and pumpkin with spices, "Meshuya" from grilled and finely chopped peppers (spicy or sweet), tomatoes and garlic, "tuna" from fresh tomatoes, cucumbers , onion and sweet pepper.

Hot Appetizers

Actually, some hot appetizers pull on full dishes; once again call on you to count your strength ."Brick" is a Tunisian cheburek stuffed with potatoes, tuna, eggs and parsley wrapped in the thinnest sheet of dough .It is prepared in deep fat, and in an ideal briquette the egg white must be cooked, and the yolk - liquid ."Tazhin" - a hearty omelet with a height with a homemade pie with chicken, potatoes, greens, cheese and onion .A hot snack is also considered "kefte" - meatballs in sauce .At a puzzled look, they answer: "Well, what kind of dish is this? Look at the tiny balls, there's nothing here" .Thick soups, such as "tshish" and "hsu" with croup and grinded vegetables, are also classified in this category .In addition, in restaurants you will be offered stewed shrimp and a variety of grilled seafood (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) .The


Tunisian soups in bulk are prepared using tomato paste, so they are always moderately dense and have a red tint. "Shorba" - a traditional soup - is made on the basis of fish or lamb, less often vegetables. As a rule, the density is created by the inclusion of cereals from the ground grain of wheat. The process of preparation of soups is original: first in a saucepan in olive oil all ingredients are fried, and then it is bred with the right amount of water with diluted tomato paste.

Restaurants in Tunisia are located without exaggeration at every turn, and their number is easily stuffed into the waist even souvenir shops.


This pan-Arab dish in Tunisia enjoys special honor: the ways of its preparation are hundreds, if not thousands, and each village is proud of its only correct recipe .Couscous is made in a special saucepan: in the lower high part of the sauce, vegetables, meat, fish or seafood are stewed, and in the upper, with a latticed bottom, languish for a couple of wheat grains |.When both components are ready, the croup will be poured into a dish, the contents of the bottom pan will be laid on top, the sauce will be generously poured and decorated with grilled hot peppers and half eggs .Couscous can be sweet, based on dates, nuts and sugar syrup - it is called "mesfuf" and is prepared mainly for religious and family holidays .The


Pisces in Tunisia is a great variety, and all he has just lived his life in the depths of the sea. Dorada, sea bass, swordfish, tuna and a bunch of local varieties that hardly can be found in the Russian name. In restaurants, fish are chosen by you from the ice showcase and cooked according to your taste: deep-fried and grilled, baked in foil or under a large salt. The waiter will finish the prepared dish and serve the fillet on your plate. Do not forget to sprinkle the fish lightly with lemon juice and accompaniment with white wine.


Of all types of meat in Tunisia is most revered lamb .Driving along the roads of the country, one can often see a horrifying thing with an unaccustomed picture: near roadside restaurants hang lamb carcasses, from which everyone can ask to cut off the vending piece and cook on the grill .Lamb here is really delicious and absolutely different from not everyone's favorite Central Asian version .Try lamb ribs or grilled steaks, as well as meat baked in a pot .For lovers of exotics, mutton heads are offered (connoisseurs advise to enjoy the taste of the cheeks and brain) .In restaurants you can order beef .The

Mashuya salad - details of preparation


In Tunisia, a large number of delicious local wines: the northern region of Cap Bon and the suburbs of the capital are famous for their vineyards. Wines of Tunisia are red, white and pink, dry and semi-dry. Pay attention to the gentle Muscat de Kelibia, the classic or seasoned red Magon and the product of the "gray" vine Gris de Tunisie. Liked drinks can be bought in the wine departments of state-owned General stores located in any resort city (departments are closed on Fridays).


A variety of sweet fintiful in the country in great esteem, they are sold in special confectioneries under the sign "pâtisserie" .The main ingredients - almonds, pistachios, cedar and walnuts, honey as a binding component and the basis of the test - the finest flour and powdered sugar .Among the popular varieties are different types of "baklava" (pakhlava), "mlyabes" - tiny cakes made of sugar dough in glaze, "kaak el-uarka" - a ring of white dough with or without nut filling, "kaaber" - sweet balls and "macrod" - specialization of Kairouan - "wet" biscuits with nuts and dates .The


Tunisians finish the meal with a fragrant sweet green tea, cooked with mint and served with pine nuts or almonds. Tea is served in small cups hotly hot, be careful. If the glass does not have a handle, hold it with two fingers: large at the edge and anonymous under the bottom. Coffee here is loved in all its manifestations: the Italian "Lavazza", the European "café crème" - coffee with milk or the local "kahua arbi" - brewed in a Turkish, very strong, with abundant fortune.