What to see in Tunisia?

Responds to Information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Tunisia can rightly be considered a country of contrasts, since being on the very border of the Arab and European world, the modern resort center has preserved on its land unique evidence of the past. The history of these places is conditionally divided into three periods: Punic, Christian, colonial. In this connection, it will be interesting to see exactly what is more attractive in terms of aesthetics of external facades and numerous legendary stories.

But the most surprising incident occurred in the era of the European colonists .Since the brave French colonists were a little less liberal towards the African people and used to nostalgic in their own way, by the end of the 19th century the capital of Tunisia, the city of Tunisia, was partially built up in the image of Paris .Many of the experienced experts agree that "it looks like it" and do not cease to be surprised at the scale of construction .Although, to date, "Arabian Paris" is only a small business capital quarter, surrounded around the perimeter of a more traditional building .

Another important ruins, which are worth a visit - the ancient remains of the city of Carthage. Before the ambitious Romans swore to destroy each other, one of the most prosperous cities of the Arab world was located here. I had a water supply network, a huge commercial port, public baths and other attributes of a prosperous urban settlement. To date, even stone remains have preserved echoes of excellent architecture, wiped off the face of the earth a couple of thousand years ago.

Fans of films with the participation of Russell Crowe will certainly be interested to look at the Roman amphitheater in El Jem. It is worth noting that this was the third largest Roman building and remains today the only structure of the time that survived to our days in its original form. In addition, the place has a unique acoustics, in this connection, the inhabitants of Tunisia do not miss the opportunity to listen to the concert here. It is rumored that classical music in the Colosseum sounds quite different.

April 23, 2013

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