Turkey steadfastly associates with us with summer vacation, sea resorts, beautiful sandy beaches, magnificent nature .But in Turkey there are also mountains - and these are high mountains, with a difference of heights from 2 to 3 thousand .m .And let there are not so many ski resorts - only about 10, but each of them is ready to provide vacationers with a great level of service, excellent quality of the trails and well-developed infrastructure..In a word, if you do not already know what ski tours to Turkey are, you can safely book a trip for the winter season - and you will not regret it .

What are the most popular resorts in Turkey for skiing holidays? Uludag is the most popular resort for Russian tourists. It is located 150 km from the capital of Turkey, Istanbul and offers wide and very well maintained roads. In addition to skiing, you will definitely get aesthetic pleasure from the surrounding mountains of dense coniferous forests, as well as the healing effect from the inhalation of phytoncides released by trees.

An interesting feature - in the ski resorts of Turkey, as well as on beach resorts, there is an all-inclusive system - when the cost of the tour includes flights, accommodation, meals and ski passes.
In Turkey, there are not many ski resorts - only about 10, but each of them is ready to provide vacationers with an excellent level of service, excellent quality of trails and well-developed infrastructure.

For those who are confident on skiing, the slopes of the Palandoken resort are designed. This is the most modern resort in Turkey and the most "advanced" of all the rest. There are trails for any level of skiing and special slopes for freeriding. And the most experienced skiers will definitely be surprised by the length of the slopes - even up to 12 km.

For recreation with children, the Sarıkamış resort is the best place - there are very gentle and wide slopes, so they will be comfortable for beginners and skiers. In addition, there are two tracks for cross-country skiing, and the season lasts from November to March.

The cost of a week-long ski tour to Turkey will start from around 1000 EUR together with an airflight.

All prices are for October 2014

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Mountain-skiing tours to Turkey