View of Olympos beach from the acropolis

Where better to go on vacation? Every year this question is asked by thousands of tourists around the world, including Russia. So all the same, where else is better to go on vacation to relieve the stress that has accumulated over the whole year?

To the south of Russia, to the Volga, to Europe? Or to Turkey - a small resort country, which is located between Europe and Asia? Most Russians make their choice in favor of Turkey. What is the reason for such a high interest in this country?

Everything is very simple: the quality of service and life is European, and the cost of rest and living is cheaper than in Europe. Besides, Turkey is a country with a centuries-old history, where cities, built thousands of years ago, still exist in the times of the Roman Empire. This gives her extra charm and charm.

How much do tours cost to Turkey? The price will pleasantly surprise, because it starts from 10-15 thousand rubles. Undoubtedly, this amount is not limited to your expenses, you should clearly understand this, because you will necessarily want to visit hot medical springs (Yalova, Pamukkale or "cotton city"), or ancient cities, for example, Istanbul.

In addition, you definitely want to bring home souvenirs. Another part of the money will go to visit small and cozy restaurants, which so recommend us all sorts of guides. After all, they have their own special atmosphere, which must be felt.

To travel to this wonderful and mysterious country was interesting and happy, you need to stock up no less than 20-25 thousand rubles (this includes both vouchers and additional expenses). And yet it is an amazing country - Turkey. Prices for food, souvenirs and entertainment here are generally more than adequate.

The economy of Turkey is developing at a very fast pace, which is why many investors and businessmen are interested in investing their money in various fields of activity. Not the last place in the economy is agriculture, namely the cultivation of almond and olive trees, orange and lemon groves, vineyards in an area of ​​hundreds of acres. These landscapes perfectly fit the general landscape of Turkey, which, undoubtedly, gives it a special color and picturesqueness.

The material was posted on February 22, 2011.