What is Turkey? $ $
Nina Tseplyaeva
Turkey is firmly entrenched in the minds of our fellow citizens as a "country all inclusive" with a once-and-for-all life cycle: alcohol-beach - animation - and snacks in the breaks . Everyone who almost got out of the country has almost certainly visited here . "Have you been to Turkey? " - "Of course! "... A lot of reviews on the Internet have been written about Turkey, but almost all of them eventually boil down to the estimation of animation, the size of the pool on the hotel territory and the assortment of the local bar . And thus few of the authors of these opuses (no matter what - laudatory or abusive) thinks that, in fact, he did not see the country, as he banally spent the whole vacation behind the hotel fence .

What is Turkey?

Turkey is a beautiful country, carefully washed by the four seas: Black, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean . The territory of modern Turkey, as a baton, for centuries passed from hand to hand: from the Hittites to the Phrygians, from the Greeks and the Persians to the Romans . In the 11th century, the Seljuk tribes came to the territory of modern Turkey and defeated the Roman Empire by recapturing their lands ±​​$ 1. Once upon a time, 35 small states existed side by side in the territory of modern Turkey . You can imagine what a huge Toric heritage left behind these peoples? . The first human settlements in the Mediterranean region appeared in Turkey about in about 7500 BC. The spirit grasps when you imagine that 9000 years ago someone walked on the same beaches as you ...

And how many historical monuments, heroes and legends the world owes to the territory of modern Turkey! Almost every city in this country has a rich, centuries-old history.
Central part of the country, Cappadocia
 What is Turkey?  What is Turkey
Monumental tomb in Olympos
 What is Turkey  What is Turkey
Tourists in Ephesus
 What is Turkey  What is Turkey
However, why do we need common phrases if we can give words about confirmed historical facts?

Parchment was invented in modern Bergam.

  • Cleopatra came from Egypt to Pamukkale - swim in a unique mineral spring and soak in limestone baths. She came to Turkey, she clearly is not alone, because in 2009 scientists discovered near the Ephesus the tomb of Sister Cleopatra.
  • The Temple of Artemis, one of the wonders of the world, stood once in modern Ephesus.
  • The legendary Troy is at rest on the shores of the Aegean Sea.
  • The nationwide favorite Santa Claus - who is Nicholas the Wonderworker - was originally from Patara and served in the World (modern Demre).
  • Apostle Paul landed in the port of Andriac, making his trip to Rome .
  • One of the Caesars' family rests in Limir.
  • The world's first mausoleum was erected in Galic (modern Bodrum) in honor of King Mausolus, who managed to preserve independence during the reign of the Persians.
  • Cappadocia - "the valley of beautiful horses" in Persian translation - a magical city where houses are cut down right in the rocks, like sharp fangs sticking out of of the earth.
  • The legendary burning mountain of the Chimera in Olympos was sung by Homer in his Iliad.
  • The famous Aspendos still impresses with its greatness.

This list can be continued for a very long time. But it's best to tear yourself away from the heated chaise longue, rent a car and, armed with a map, go on an independent tour of Turkey. Believe me, it will not let you down! Wherever you go, you will certainly meet on your way a historical monument, the ruins of an ancient civilization or just a beautiful place with an interesting history, and Turkish hospitality will complement your palette of impressions with bright colors.

Welcome to this Turkey!