Managers for Turkmenistan on the "Subtlety of Tourism"

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  • Achinsk
    (Krasnoyarsk region)
  • Ekaterinburg
  • Irkutsk
  • Kazan
  • Krasnodar
  • Lyubertsy
    (Moscow region)
  • Moscow
  • Novosibirsk
  • Omsk
  • Permian
  • St. Petersburg
  • Ufa
  • Anniversary
    (Moscow region)
Metro or district
  • Ilona Toma

    m. Partizanskaya

    Izmaylovskoye Highway, 71, building. 2B, 1 floor.

  • Tatiana Savik

    m. Paveletskaya

    trans. B. Strochenovsky, d. 13, p. 2

  • Anastasia Stepanova

    m. Alekseevskaya

    pr-ct. Mira, d. 114A, of. 14

  • Nadezhda Maksyukova

    m. Sukharevskaya

    Prospect Mira, 3, p. 1, of. 6

  • Valeria Gruzintseva

    m. China-city

    Zlatoustinskiy per., 10, p. 2

  • Eremina Elena

    m. Sokol

    ul. Usievicha, 29, building 1

All managers for Turkmenistan

What is remarkable about tours to Turkmenistan is a reasonable question for a tourist who is just beginning to discover the splendor of Central Asia .Let's answer briefly: exotic - at the same time an outlandish and "native" (familiar from childhood on imperishable films of the Turkmenfilm studios) - this time, with various remarkable monuments of the rich history of the region - these are two, breathtaking natural beauties for all tastes (deserts, lakes, flowering valleys and the shores of the Caspian Sea) are three, interesting artifacts - from carpets to jewelry - these are four, finally, the canonical Central Asian wealth is for show - these are five .Until recently, people came to Turkmenistan on business or on a visit-the usual package tours were almost never offered to .Today, the program of visiting this country is very diverse - from the weekend in Ashgabat to a full two-week tour of the cities and villages .In Turkmenistan, new excursion routes are being diligently developed, and an increasing number of quality hotels throughout the country make rest comfortable .

In Ashgabat, you can see the numerous man-made monuments of Turkmenbashi, in the world - Saparmurat Niyazov, marvel at the Asian craving for gigantism and assess what a cult of personality is in Turkmen.

What to do and what to see

Tours to Turkmenistan will be interesting for fans of history, and fans of the natural "excursion" .For the first, they open their secrets and entice the unheard-of riches of the city of the Great Silk Road with their magnificent palaces of the Timurids and Khorezmshahs, madrassas and mosques, whose fame rattled throughout the Islamic world, rich libraries and amazing for that time observatories .Quite a few here are the most ancient monuments of the history of mankind - for example, the ruins of the capital of the Parthian kingdom of Nisa and the more "modern" remains of the ancient settlement 11 in Amul-Chardzhui .

For the second, Turkmenistan blossoms with magnificent spring valleys with a myriad of flowers, spreads the hot expanse of the Karakum Desert (by the way, the hottest on Earth!), Invites you to plunge into the crystal clear, though not warm, waters of the Caspian Sea (and after all, to enjoy its gifts) and admire it on the natural wonders of Central Asia - sulfuric lake Kou-Ata and the burning crater Darwaza.

For trips to the weekend, the capital of Ashgabat is perfect - a "snow-white city", as the Turkmen call it .Here you can not only see the ancient ruins and architectural pearls (though not in the city itself - it is quite young, but in the vicinity), but also look at the "reified" modern history of Turkmenistan: in Ashgabat you can see numerous man-made monuments of Turkmenbashi, in the world - Saparmurat Niyazov, marvel at the Asian craving for gigantism and assess what a cult of personality is in Turkmen .Among other things, there are a lot of quality hotels, famous restaurants and popular night clubs, and the assortment of modern shopping centers in no way inferior to the world capitals .

When to go and how much it costs

It is most comfortable to visit Turkmenistan in spring, from April to June, and in autumn, in September-October. At this time it is not hot and not cold, +22 .. 28 ° C. In summer, Ashgabat and the desert areas melt from the heat, which does not contribute to a pleasant familiarization with the sights, and in winter it is very cold in the south, to -25 .. 30 ° C. The climate here, we recall, is sharply continental.

Approximate cost of tours: a "long weekend" in Ashgabat - from 900 USD, a weekly combined program to the capital and rest on the Caspian - from 1200 USD, a two-week "excursion" around the country - from 1500 USD, in all cases plus air tickets.