Good afternoon! Now I read Andrei's response regarding trips to the Emirates with the presence of Israeli citizenship . The situation is this: a young woman has dual citizenship - Russia and Israel, she lives and works in Russia, a passport has been received in Russia . She has a chip »Russian passport for 10 years . Question: the chip indicates information about dual citizenship? If yes, then she can not go to the Emirates on the Russian new passport (we are talking about a business trip)? Where is the visa put in - in Russia or at the entrance? T . e . If in Russia - it's easier, did not give it - then did not give . And if at the entrance there they find out that dual citizenship, what do they do in this situation? What measures?

Responds Andrei Zorin, Unex
About what information is contained in the chip, you better specify in the organization that issued the passport. The UAE visa is opened in advance and requires not the passport itself, but only the color scan of its first page. If at your border control in the UAE your daughter is not going to show the passport of an Israeli citizen or report its availability, there should not be any problems.
Responds Labyrinth company
In such cases we issued a visa for Russian passports, while crossing the border of the UAE, passports are not scanned, only barcodes on visas.

January 28, 2014

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