July 06, 2015

Ivan Kupala's holiday in Ukraine

 Holidays and events in Ukraine Fire and wind, sky and fragrant herbs ... Ukrainians managed to keep one of the most beloved holidays Slavic almost in its original form . The day of Ivan Kupala, originally timed to the day of the summer solstice (hence its old name - Soncekres), was moved to the date of the birth of John the Baptist.

December 31 2015 2015

New Year in Kiev

 Ukrainian Holidays and Events How to celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. Astrologers recommend to celebrate the holiday in a new place, so that next year the stars shine for you differently. True or not, but going on a New Year's trip is a great idea. One of the options is the capital of Ukraine Kiev

December 31 2015 2015

New Year in Lviv

 Holidays and Events of Ukraine On New Year's Day it becomes quite clear that Lviv is the most European a city in the entire post-Soviet space, and every year more and more tourists go to this city to spend unforgettable holidays in it.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Dnepropetrovsk

 Ukrainian Holidays and Events Magic New Year's Day comes to Dnepropetrovsk with the opening of the main city ​​tree. The main tree of the city is one that is installed in the park named after Lazar Globa. The theatrical holiday accompanying the opening is wide and fun

December 31, 2015

New Year in Kharkiv

 Holidays and Events of Ukraine New Year's holidays are a special time when you want to get as much as possible of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. Someone is traveling to Europe for them, and some to exotic countries, where the New Year is not at all like a usual holiday.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Ukraine

 Ukrainian Holidays and Events New Year holidays in Ukrainian, above all, are associated with the Carpathians. And it is not surprising, because you can combine active, sometimes even extreme holidays with comfortable living in high-class hotel complexes and cozy private hotels.

07 January 2016

Christmas in Ukraine

 Holidays and events in Ukraine Christmas is not only one of the most important Christian holidays, but also a special time when even the most hardened skeptics begin to feel the magic of the holiday and sincerely wait for the accomplishment of a real miracle that will transform their life in an amazing way.

Ukrainian holidays reflect national peculiarities and accepted customs, part of the celebrations was borrowed from other countries . New Year's meeting happens traditionally . On Christmas Eve you can not be late for dinner, otherwise a person will wander all year . Main dish of festive table - kutya . On the night before Christmas there comes time for Christmas carols . On Melanki, on the eve of the Old New Year, neighbors are asked for forgiveness, and the guys who were denied marriage, are closer to midnight there is a second chance . Girls are not at night miss their chance to betray on the narrow o . Svyatky, lasting from January 7 to 19, ends with the Feast of Epiphany . On the eve of the day they put on the table with kutya, with which the ceremony is connected - "expulsion of kutya" .

The rite of kutia expulsion implies that the pot, in which she cooked, smash about the gate with the words "Off, kutya, out of shopping! "

On February 6th St. Amanda Day, the patron of winemaking, is a day of bartenders, accompanied by demonstration performances. Great success enjoyed Valentine's Day February 14.

Ethno-cultural festival "Syavo" (radiance) at the end of September for 4 days is full of dances, folk art fairs, master classes in martial arts and spiritual practices.

Ukraine adopted the tradition The USSR is celebrating the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland on February 23. And as in many countries, on March 8, congratulations and flowers are received by beautiful ladies. A week before Lent, noisy Maslenitsa begins, and in Ukraine it is customary to cook not pancakes, but vareniki with cottage cheese. On International Theater Day, March 27, many festivals are held and outstanding troupes are awarded.

The Day of the Monuments of History and Culture on April 18 is designed to preserve the country's cultural heritage. Pervomaisky Labor Day Ukrainians celebrate 2 days, many people go to nature.
On the night before Easter, believers go to church for the all-night service, consecrate their food. Before the feast, the girls wash themselves with water, in which lies the consecrated Easter egg. The crochet is kept as a talisman from the cake.

On May 9, the Victory Day, the brightest and most sincere holiday, is celebrated with great pride. Widely, with concerts and exhibitions, celebrate Mother's Day on May 12, in Ukraine for a long time the mother is revered as the keeper of the family and family. May 24 is known as the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, timed to the Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius

The Summer Trinity is celebrated for 3 days, the girls drop wreaths into the water, the whole family commemorates deceased relatives and makes noisy festivities. On the last Sunday of June, the Youth Day comes, 60 young Ukrainians are awarded for achievements in sport, science and production. On July 7, Kupala is jumped through the bonfires, burns straw straws and searches for a fern flower. Of the state holidays, the Constitution Day is most known on June 28 and the Independence Day on August 24.

Ethno-cultural festival "Syavo" (radiance) at the end of September for 4 days is full of dances, folk art fairs, master classes in martial arts and spiritual practices.