March 1
Weather in Donetsk Mainly cloudy

+5 ° C in the afternoon, +1 ° C at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Donetsk Mainly cloudy

+5 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Donetsk Mainly cloudy

+6 ° C in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Donetsk Overcast, light rain

+7 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Donetsk Mainly cloudy

+8 ° C in the afternoon, -1 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Donetsk Cloudy

+6 ° C in the afternoon, 0 ° C at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Donetsk Mainly cloudy

+7 ° C in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Donetsk Partly cloudy, light rain

+10 ° C in the afternoon, +1 ° C at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Donetsk Clear

+11 ° C in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Donetsk Clear

+11 ° C in the afternoon, +2 ° C at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Donetsk Clear

+10 ° C in the afternoon, +4 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Donetsk Clear

+9 ° C in the afternoon, +3 ° C at night, FROMwater

The main industrial center of Ukraine - the city of Donetsk - is located in the eastern part of the country in the center of Donbass .Donetsk is located in the steppe zone, and only in the upper reaches of the Kalmius River it is surrounded by small wooded hills .The climate in the city is temperate continental, with hot dry summers and moderately cold winters .Average winter air temperature reaches -4 ° C, summer - +25 ° C .Less than 500 mm of precipitation falls during the year .In this regard, the city has a low humidity .The weather in Donetsk is usually windy, since the steppe does not prevent the passage of air masses .In winter, wind speed reaches 6 m / s, in summer - 4 m / s on average .

Winter in the city is usually quite mild and short. Steady frosty weather in Donetsk is formed by the second half of December and lasts until the end of February. The air temperature varies between -2 ... -6 ° C. Sometimes air can be cooled down to -30 ° C, but such frosts, as a rule, do not linger for a long time. But the periods of thaws are much longer: most of the winter is accompanied by positive temperatures. The snow cover in Donetsk is rather unstable. Yes, and precipitation in the winter is not enough.

The weather in Donetsk is usually windy, since the steppe does not prevent the passage of air masses.

It's early enough in Donetsk that spring comes. Snow, as a rule, descends long before the beginning of March, and already in the first month of spring a positive average temperature is established. Night frosts almost disappear by the end of March. In April, air is heated to +10 ° C on average. This month, you can observe an intense awakening of nature: trees blossom in a matter of days. The second half of May can almost always be attributed to the summer season, since the air temperature in its mean values ​​reaches +19 ° C.

Summer weather in Donetsk is quite hot and arid. Despite the fact that there is a maximum amount of precipitation for the summer, moistening is still not enough. Precipitation usually falls in the form of torrential storm rains. The air temperature in Donetsk usually varies between +21 ... + 27 ° C, but there are also hotter days. Sometimes warm weather persists until the second half of October.

During the summer period, the probability of winds-dry winds increases in the city. They occur at high air temperature and low humidity, and reach speeds of 10 m / s. Such winds strongly dry up air and soil and can provoke dust storms. Long dry winds are damaging to agriculture.

A noticeable cold snap occurs in November, when the air temperature drops to +4 ° C on average .November is a very windy month with a cloudy unstable weather .During this period, the western cyclone is activated, which brings humid ocean air to the city .Therefore, late autumn in Donetsk is accompanied by a prolonged sky and drizzling rain .Sometimes in November the first frosts and snowfalls occur, but the snow does not stay for more than a couple of days .Light, but relatively stable frosts are usually set with the arrival of a calendar winter - in December .