Paradoxically, it's a fact: not all Americans close the doors of their homes to the key, and some do not even set the alarm in the car. Nevertheless, people who visit the US should not relax: the dangers hiding here, in the country between the two oceans.

The excessive law-abiding Americans - as it may seem to the naive Russian tourist - is caused by the fact that almost everywhere there are hidden cameras: in shops, on the streets, in restaurants, hotels, etc. Consequently, any offense can not go unnoticed, and it is better to stick to the letter of the American law first than to break out of its clutches and to zero to the likelihood of visiting the American continent again.

 How to behave in the US
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Public order

In America, a fairly strict attitude to the norms of public order. Modern cowboys do not smoke in public, that is, in restaurants, bars and other places where there is no zone for smokers. For smoking in the wrong place you can be fined, as well as for improper disposal of waste: for each type of debris (glass, plastic, paper) in America there are separate urns.

Also in the USA it is forbidden to drink alcohol on the street or in the park. You can consume alcohol on the street only if you wrap the bottle in an opaque package. In America, alcohol is sold only in shops with a special license, which close at 23.00. After this hour, "slap on ryumashke" you can only in the bar.

Drunk driving, like in any other country, in the US is punishable. For high-speed driving on American roads, there are special routes for which you must pay for travel. If you are stopped by a local road patrol, follow all his instructions, otherwise you will be suspected of disobeying the American authorities.

Many doors in America are open only to people over the age of 21. Always carry an identification card (for example, a passport) - this is the first you will be asked if there are any problems.

Please note that one bed in an American hostel assumes one person. There are cases when students wanted to save and sleep on the same bed together, and as a result were in the police station.

"Melting pot"

USA is the country that the emigrants built. Stepping on the American soil, remember that here you need to be tolerant of people of a different nationality and culture. Do not call black people Negroes - for them it is considered an insulting word. Do not tell yourself to tell racist jokes, as it does not lead to good in the US: you can be shown well-founded accusations of discrimination.

Americans are very open, but one should not trust everyone. This is especially true for Russian-speaking immigrants: the experience of tourists shows that there are a lot of scammers among them.

In places of large crowds (for example, in the Chinatown of a big city - a popular stop on the tourist bus route), be extremely attentive to your bag: pickpockets and other petty thieves.

Do not wander through the empty, poorly lit areas of the city, and also do not walk at night on the territory adjacent to the beaches: according to statistics, it is in such places that the most attack occurs tourist. The attacks

and not only after the September 11 attacks to leave luggage storage at the train station is only allowed to those who have a ticket. In the hotel for storing luggage there are separate safes. Keep in mind: the more your bag, the more suspicions it will cause security workers in the subway: you may be asked to show the contents of the bag.

Some American states should beware of hurricanes, floods or forest fires (although these disasters are seasonal in nature ). People are warned about natural disasters in advance.

As for the mass diseases, in the states where the official epidemic is raging, it is highly discouraged to go. For personal safety, buy yourself a medical insurance: then when you go to a doctor, you will not receive an astronomical amount of money.

Useful addresses and phones

Nadezhda Kantur

Material prepared in the framework of the joint program "Safety of tourists abroad" with portal