Angel Falls
Orinoco Delta

Alphabetically By regions
  • Angel
  • Canaima
  • Caracas
  • Los Roques
  • Maracaibo
  • Margarita
  • Orinoco
  • Angel
  • Canaima
  • Caracas
  • Los Roques
  • Maracaibo
  • Margarita
  • Orinoco

The capital of Venezuela is

Santiago de Leon de Caracas ... This is not the name of a little-known Spanish actor, Caracas is a real city in Venezuela, or rather its capital. Where did this long name come from? It's simple! In fact, it was composed of several names, including the patron saint of Spain, Santiago, the governor Pedro Ponce de Leon and, finally, the local tribe "Caracas."

This city is also often called the "valley of singing birds." This sonorous name was given to him by Indians, who once inhabited the valley of the Caribbean Andes. The city managed to preserve its natural splendor and at the same time become what it became, the incredibly bright, passionate and energetic center of Venezuela. Today it is a many-sided city in which ancient cathedrals alternate with modern skyscrapers and poor slums.

Holidays in Venezuela

Venezuela is the land of contrasts. Wild jungle neighbors with snow-capped peaks of the Andes and endless sandy beaches. Original villages are located just around the corner from large metropolises, huge skyscrapers make their way through a series of poor shacks.

Rest in Venezuela can be bright and diverse. Dimensional lying on the beaches of the paradise island of Margarita and conquest of the peak Humboldt, surfing on the skeleton of Koche and a walk through the wild jungle - everyone will find an option to their liking. You can feel all the magnificence of the pristine nature by going to the Savannah Llanos, where more than 350 species of birds live.

You can plunge deeper into the cultural life and go on a guided tour of historical places. The adventurer is worth a visit to the areas of Las Mercedes and El Rosal, where travelers are waiting for incendiary dances to fall and a lot of interesting acquaintances.

Holidays in Venezuela