Halong Bay

National Parks of Vietnam Majestic and mysterious, inspiring and amazing imagination: all words are not enough to describe the beauty of this miracle of nature. Halong Bay is an ideal work of art, an invaluable collection of unfinished sculptures created by the hands of nature itself.

There are about 30 national parks in Vietnam, and the most famous are Katba, Bat Ma, Phongnia-Kebang, Halong and Kuk-Phuong.

Katba Park is located on the island of the same name in the northern part of the country, 30 km east of Haiphong. These are evergreen rainforests, mangroves, limestone cliffs and the waters of the bay, dotted with coral reefs. The fauna of the park includes more than 200 species of coral fish, various species of sea turtles, dolphins and seals, about 100 species of birds and other inhabitants of the tropical jungle.

In the Fongnja-Kebang National Park, 500 km south of Hanoi, there are 300 caves and grottoes with a total length of 126 km.

The Bat-Ma reserve is located in the province of Thyathyen-Hue, in the neighborhood of a small (but very interesting) city of Hue. Its flora includes more than 1700 species of plants, and the most interesting representatives of its fauna are Langur Duke and Barnacle Gibbon. Both are monkeys.

The Fongnja-Kebang National Park in Quangbin, 500 km south of Hanoi, was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003. There are 300 caves and grottoes with a total length of 126 km. And in 2009, speleologists discovered another cave: at the moment it is considered the largest in the world.

The Halong National Park, known for its quaint rocky islets, is located in the north of the country in the Bay of Bokbo (Tonkin).

Finally, the Kuk-Phuong Park, which is also located in the north of Vietnam, impresses with its virgin evergreen forests. Flora is extremely rich and includes 1850 species of higher plants, including more than 350 trees and shrubs. However, the fauna there is also impressive: 70 species of mammals, 160 - birds and 40 - amphibians and reptiles.