The monetary unit of Vietnam is dong .Vietnamese banknotes: 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 thousand, 2 and 1 thousand, 500 donges .Coins are almost out of the running .In informal cash settlements in any settlement of Vietnam, the US dollar is widely used, but they will take only pure and more or less new dollars from you, and they will give you a change in dan $ ±.In large cities, you can also pay EUR, yen, yuan and baht .The official rate of the dong to the ruble is set in Russia once a month .In January 2010, the exchange rate was 16, 16 rubles .for 10 000 dengi .However, to buy cash Vietnamese dong (VND, currency code 704) in a Russian bank, you most likely will not be able to $ $ .

When you bring a currency to Vietnam - declare it and save a copy of the declaration .When leaving the country you will be allowed to take out no more than how much you imported $ ±.Change the currency only at exchange points, at the airport, hotels .The market is better bypassing .The course is almost the same everywhere, but be sure to recalculate the amount that is given to you in your hands at any exchange points - everywhere there is a chance to be unabashedly deceived in large, and, being caught, the swindler does not even blush..Checks cashed in any large bank .Banks work from 7:30 or 8:00, finish work at 15:30 - 16:30, on Saturday and Sunday do not work .

Remember one important point related to bank cards: when going to Vietnam, call your bank and specify if your card will work in this country. You may need permission from the bank to conduct transactions with the card in Vietnam. You can pay by credit card in large cities and large institutions. The most popular are Visa and Mastercard, a commission of about 3%. Vietnamese ATMs issue only dongs, a commission of up to 10%.

Natalia Dorovskaya