Rest in Danang
Olesya Gievskaya
I confess: in Danang we flew not because we were attracted by the culture of Vietnam or the socialist history common with the USSR - just got a burning tour that approached our simple requirements: the sea, sand, palms and low price. However, the day after the arrival we realized that we had not lost our way - Danang turned out to be an excellent resort, where we are not going to joke again.

Tourist history of Danang lasts for many years: sometimes it seems that the city is completely composed from hotels, but Europeans are still rare here - mostly Vietnamese from other regions and the Chinese themselves rest here. Therefore, we entertained the natives with their pale skin and unearthly appearance - they stared at us, showed us their fingers and even photographed against our background. Be prepared for obsessive attention and to the fact that it will be problematic to scratch unnoticed - at least ten people are always looking at you.

But these are trifles. After all, the South China Sea (although the Vietnamese prefer to call it the East) - clean and warm, and the sand on the beach - shallow and white. Danang itself is a noisy and bustling city: scurry motorbikes, sign cabs, shout barkers, invite to their shops, split coconuts lie on the sidewalks, and street food knocks on mobile trays, exuding a spicy, hot spirit.

 Bougainvillea in Vietnam  Rest in Danang

In general, local food is a separate story. First, strange fruits: rambutan, mango, durian (to taste it, it takes some courage), papaya, mangosteen and other exotic fruits, the names of which we have never learned. True, a beautiful strawberry turned out to be tasteless and crunchy, like an apple, so it's better to eat it traditionally in Russia.

The second (and perhaps the main) feature of Danang is seafood, "seafood". Lobsters, lobsters, crabs, mollusks, octopuses, squid, shrimp, scallops, oysters - all this is in abundance and is inexpensive. Fishermen from the coastal villages bring barrels with a catch to the city every day and replenish the reserves of local restaurants and markets.

To visit Danang and not try freshly prepared sea inhabitants in the coastal cafe is like not seeing Red Square in Moscow or the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Go with the promenade along China Beach (which, by the way, with the Vietnamese politically correct to call the East or simply the beach), dotted with small restaurants, family cafes, bars and snack bars .Choose an institution to your liking - for example, we naively focused exclusively on appearance: wicker chairs, umbrellas from palm leaves, bamboo swings .And, by the way, you have not lost $ ±​​$.Although there is another working sign - the crowded: if the institution is full of visitors, most likely, there is inexpensive and tasty .In all the coastal cafes at the entrance there are basins with water, in which live (as yet) sea inhabitants float..Prices for livestock are indicated per kilogram, sometimes they are in the menu, and sometimes there is no menu and in the mention - on the board at the entrance it is written that how much .And at best it's written in English, and at worst - in Vietnamese, so that the ability to pantomime, savvy and the phrase "baoneuu? "(Translated into Russian -" how much is it? ") You will be very useful .You can even learn something new - we, for example, found out that the squid in Vietnamese will be "myd" .

So, your task is to choose your "victim", a crab, for example, and point at it with your finger: it will be caught from you by the net from the pelvis, weighted on a large scale, indicated by the price and sent to the kitchen. Offer the waiter a sheet and a pen - let him write the final price on a piece of paper, so that there is no misunderstanding. It remains to wait until your marine dweller is brought to readiness - it's about 20 minutes. And the local beer with ice will help pass the time. By the way, it goes well as an aperitif - I recommend!