Abkhazia attracts tourists who dream of a serene vacation in the bosom of untouched nature. About the Abkhazian land, legends are composed: everyone who comes to rest for the first time in this country, is amazed and admires the amazing neighborhood of exotic subtropical plants and huge snow-capped mountains. The climatic features of Abkhazia allow the local resorts to open the swimming season at the end of May, it continues until the middle of October, at this time tourists and rush to the nearest agencies for tickets.

Not so long ago, the railway tracks between Russia and Abkhazia in the area of ​​the village of Vesyoloe were reconstructed, thanks to which a stable railway service was established from Moscow to Sukhum, and tours to Abkhazia by train restored former popularity.

Annually the most diverse variants of tours to Abkhazia are offered, among which there are conventionally three major segments: tours to Abkhazia by train, bus and airplane (with transfer in Adler). Not so long ago, the railway tracks between Russia and Abkhazia in the area of ​​the village of Vesyoloe were reconstructed, thanks to which a stable railway service was established from Moscow to Sukhum, and tours to Abkhazia by train restored former popularity.

Details about railway routes

Every day at 3:30 pm a passenger train No. 305C leaves from the Moscow Kursk railway station, which arrives in Sukhum in one day at 11:25 (the total duration of the trip is 43 hours) .In the timetable this train was introduced not so long ago .Until the spring of 2013 .he was in the status of an early (No. 75-76), but due to repeated complaints and requests, he was made a passenger, as a result of which the fare was slightly reduced, and the number of wagons in the composition increased .The train consists of reserved seats, compartment and sleeping cars, the cost of a reserved seat is 3300 RUB, a compartment ticket costs 5900 RUB, and a ticket to a luxury car will cost 11 500 RUB .

You can get to Abkhazia without transplants from other Russian cities. For example, from Voronezh to Sukhum there is a direct train No. 579B (32 hours en route), and from St. Petersburg there is a train No. 479A (46 hours).

Railway tours to Abkhazia are convenient because customs and passport control takes place right on the train, and the parking time does not exceed 30 minutes. On the Abkhaz territory, trains run at a very low speed, but this small inconvenience can be regarded as an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the local nature and observe the life of the population. If desired, passengers can get off at any intermediate station, for example, in Tsandripsha, Gagra or Novy Afon.

If you are planning to order an individual transfer to the hotel, please note that the train is repeatedly supplemented by cars in the course of traffic, as a result of which the correct numbering of the cars is violated. By the same principle, the opposite way is being realized: from Sukhum the train departs as a part of 20 wagons, and only 14. $ $ arrives in Moscow.

Resorts of Abkhazia

The most popular resort of Abkhazia is certainly Gagra, a city in which it will be equally comfortable for lovers of solitude, and those who do not represent their vacation without entertainment, excursions and discos (the cost of a tour of 12 nights - from 14 300 RUB) ±​​$ The .Pitsunda is ideal for tourists who prefer a measured beach holiday and walking tours along the picturesque shores (10 days tour with a boarding house will cost 16 500 RUB) .Rest in Sukhum will appeal to lovers of a rich excursion holiday, and impregnated with aromas of orange and mandarin trees New Athos will be an excellent haven for pilgrims or just lovers of peace (10 days tour without food costs from 10 000 RUB).

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to Abkhazia by train