Shopping in Andorra confidently takes second place after ski tours in the sphere of interests of tourists who are going to visit this country. Indeed, the conditions for profitable purchases here - that's right: the entire territory of the country is a zone of duty-free trade, which means that goods can be purchased here at very attractive prices. The difference between the "pan-European" and the local price tag ranges from a minimum of 20% to an almost unbelievable 40%. However, shopping in Andorra has its drawbacks - more about "pro" and "contra" we'll talk.

Let's start with the obvious pluses .First, the proximity to the "untwisted" Europe .Andorra is located exactly on the border between Spain and France, and getting into this small country is easy - thanks to the general visa regime, no additional formalities will be required..Most of the northern Spanish and French cities in Andorra la Vella regularly send buses, and large ones - even trains .Thus, you can combine rest in "big" Europe with the aforementioned profitable shopping, just by glancing at a day in Andorra .

Going to Andorra, do not count on boutique villages and other mass concentrations of shops - they are gracefully dispersed throughout the country.

Secondly, shopping in Andorra has one nice feature .Given the country's focus on winter rest, namely skiing, in the resorts and in the capital there is a large number of ski shops .Prices for which, as simple to guess, still can boast a prefix "tax free" .Among other things, the market of skiing goods in Andorra is oversaturated with products from a wide variety of producers, both well-known and "rural" - $ .The products of the latter are often no worse than the creations of famous brands - but their cost will be much lower than .

The period of winter sales is an additional opportunity to catch your luck by the tail. Prices start to decline from Christmas holidays and reach their minimum by the end of February - then it makes sense to thoroughly "comb" Andorran stores.

However, not by skis single - we turn to the other assortment of goods. In Andorra, a good selection of perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry, watches and optics, as well as interior items (including antiques). Alcohol and tobacco are not surprising, but we will mention them too - heavy smokers and no less ideological pits will appreciate the choice of names of both products. And Andrera is revered for heaven by the earthly collectors of stamps, coins, postcards, etc. - they have at their disposal a whole "philatelic forum" - Forum Filatelic in the capital.

For reference: Andorra has more than 2000 stores - one for every forty people in the country.

Now about these very "contra" .Contrary to the assurances of travel agents that Andorra - it's just the world's capital of shopping, it's not worthwhile to go purposely here for shopping..Reasons - a small number of individual boutiques of famous brands (in contrast to the same Barcelona or Milan) and not too impressive a choice of world brands, even in multimark stores .Going to Andorra, do not count on boutique villages and other mass concentrations of shops - they are gracefully dispersed throughout the country; the most part - in Andorra la Vella, and the "thematic" stores - even at the ski resorts .

Summing up, Andorra should be visited with the purpose of shopping, if you are planning to purchase ski equipment; if you are in Spain or France and are not averse to spending a day "on a visit" and if you are aimed at buying certain goods (coins, watches, optics, etc.). In the rest it makes sense to prefer "traditional" European shopping destinations.

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Shopping in Andorra