Belovezhskaya Pushcha

Brest region

National parks of Belarus Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most valuable nature protection objects in Belarus and one of the most "titled" reserves in Europe. In 1992, it was included in the list of the World Natural Heritage of Humanity by the decision of UNESCO.

Narochansky National Park

Minsk region

National parks of Belarus Belorussian Poozerie, this is what residents call these places, because here is the largest lake of the country Naroch. The resort village of Naroch provides an opportunity to go horseback riding, hunting and fishing.

Polessky State Radiation Ecological Reserve

Gomel region

National parks of Belarus The area of ​​the reserve is more than 215 thousand hectares. Here grows more than 1200 species of plants, which is 2/3 of all species of the flora of Belarus. On the territory of the reserve, the economic activity of man is completely prohibited.

Berezensky Biosphere Reserve

Vitebsk region

National parks of Belarus Appropriate conditions for hunting tourism, ecological tourism and recreation with children have been created in the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve. Guests of the reserve are offered different options for staying: from day trips to the nature museum to multi-day ecological tours.

National Park "Braslav Lakes"

Vitebsk region

National parks of Belarus The national park "Braslav Lakes" will be especially interesting for fishermen: there are more than 250 lakes in which there are 28 species of fish. For tourists who are accustomed to rest actively, there are developed routes for hiking and water trekking. In the park there are five recreation centers of varying degrees of comfort.

Republican Biosphere Reserve Dnepro-Sozhsky

Gomel region

National parks of Belarus It was created in 2005. It is located in the interfluve of the Dnieper and Sozh rivers in the territory of Loevsky district of the Gomel region. The reserve is 1455 hectares. The reserve is unique due to its natural conditions: 35 species of mammals inhabit here, which makes up 50% of their total composition in the territory of Belarus.

Belarus - a picturesque country, generously endowed with natural resources. Despite the absence of mountain peaks and nearby seas, the local landscapes are charmingly beautiful: one third of the territory is covered by massive forests; The local meadows, as painted, are brightly colored by field flowers that shade the blue of the rivers, lakes and the mysterious life of the marshes.

Forests are the true pride of Belarus, their diversity is amazing: fragrant pine and spruce thickets ringing with grace birch groves, as well as lindens, hornbeam, alder ... In the forests of forests sheltered from bright light, numerous animals, mushrooms and berries grow.

National parks, reserves, sanctuaries, nature monuments have been created in Belarus to preserve the unique corners of nature, preserve and increase the number of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, and organize observations of changes in nature. The total area of ​​protected areas is about 7% of the country's area.

The name of the most popular national park of Belarus we sing from the very childhood, and all thanks to the efforts of the Pesnyary group.

Undoubtedly, Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the most famous national parks in Belarus..This natural reserve was listed by UNESCO in the list of the World Natural Heritage of Humanity .In the excellent conditions of the local climate and due to the diversity of vegetation, many animals live here, some of which are listed in the Red Book .It is in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha that magnificent bison live, and tourists come to see it from around the world..In addition, the park has an interesting Museum of Nature dedicated to the inhabitants of Belovezhskaya Pushcha .

More than ten thousand small and large lakes are scattered throughout the whole of Belarus in a transparent bloom of blue. Many national parks of Belarus are located near lakes: for example, the national park "Braslav Lakes", where there are more than 250 lakes, literally teeming with many kinds of fish. In the vast territory of the park, there are magnificent coniferous forests inhabited by wild boars, squirrels, moose and other animals.

Belarus - a picturesque country, generously endowed with natural resources. National parks, reserves, sanctuaries, nature monuments occupy about 7% of the country's area.

The largest lake in the country, Naroch, is located on the territory of the Naroch National Park, known not only for its picturesque lakes and dense forests, but also for a variety of historical and cultural monuments: remains of ancient fortifications and fortifications, ruins of fortresses and temples.

In the interfluve of Pripyat, Stvigi and Uborti is located one of the four largest national parks in Belarus - Pripyatsky .This region was called the "Belarusian Amazon" due to the preserved in its primordial natural systems on extensive bogs, in broad river floodplains, in oak forests and broad-leaved forests .It is the combination of forests and marshes that makes the Pripyat Polesye "the lungs of Europe", because it is the marshes that best saturate the air with oxygen .In addition, the Pripyatsky National Park has the international status of a key ornithological territory: the Pripyat floodplain is the largest migratory bird migration route in Europe, and 256 species of birds (79% of the country's birds), of which 65 species are listed in the Red Data Book of Belarus .

Pripyat Polesie is not only a natural, but also an ethnocultural monument: in special agrohounds you can see how the louts lived - local people with their own dialects, original crafts and way of life, authentic songs and dances.

Also among the national parks of Belarus is the UNESCO protected "Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve", in the forests and marshes of which there are many mammals and rare birds (including the Black Stork, the Gray Crane and others) and the Polessky State Radiation Ecological Reserve, formed in 1988 .in the exclusion zone on the territory of the three most affected districts of the Gomel region - Bragin, Narovlyansky and Khoyniki .Here, nature remained virtually untouched by the hands of man, restoring its unique virgin beauty and freedom by its own strength .