Latin Bridge

Sarajevo, Latin Bridge

 Sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina A place where history has taken a different path - so rightly you can characterize the Latin a bridge, one of the main attractions of Sarajevo. It was here that the event that was the beginning of the First World War, we recall, was one of the largest in the history of mankind.


Sarajevo, Old Town

 Attractions of Bosnia and Herzegovina Reminder of the glorious trading past Sarajevo, caravanserai Moricha-khan is one of the most famous structures of secular Muslim architecture. Built at the end of the 16th century, the caravanserai is perfectly preserved to this day.

National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sarajevo, Old Town

 Attractions of Bosnia and Herzegovina The National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the most complete collection of artifacts on the history, culture and traditions of the country, with noteworthy not only its collections but also the museum building itself - a magnificent example of the neoclassical architectural style of the early 20th century. $



 Sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina A rare tourist would have looked into the small village of Medugorje in Bosnia and Herzegovina, if not for one extraordinary event that occurred here in 1981. It was then that the Mother of God appeared here for the six children - and in the future they repeatedly saw her wonderful image and talked with the Virgin Mary.

Ghazi-Khosrebeya Mosque

Sarajevo, Sarachi, 18

 Attractions of Bosnia and Herzegovina One of the most remarkable monuments of Islamic architecture in Sarajevo is the magnificent Gazi-Khosrebey Mosque, a white stone structure with a flying slender minaret, subtly reminiscent of the best examples of Ottoman architecture on the banks of the Bosphorus.

Markale Square

Sarajevo, Markale Square

Sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina The central market square of Marcala is the patrimony of Mercury in the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is one of the busiest areas of Sarajevo - there are many shops, cafes and restaurants, always crowded and fun.

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sarajevo, Cathedral, Cathedral of the Savior - $

Sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina The largest Catholic cathedral of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the main temple of Sarajevo, the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, seems to have appeared here from somewhere in Europe. This impression is not so wrong: the author of the building, the architect Josip Vancash.

Since the times of the Soviet Union, Bosnia and Herzegovina has acquired the reputation of the main health resort of the eastern camp..Undoubtedly, the country has an excellent tourist potential of .It has a luxurious nature, a rich history, colorful traditions - everything that can interest an inquisitive traveler - $ .True, following the Balkan conflict, some of the sights of Bosnia and Herzegovina were destroyed, and now the country is experiencing something like a rebirth from the ashes .To admit, the tourism industry of the state (however, like other branches of the economy) for a long time was in oblivion .The main cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina still have traces of military operations .But every year the situation is gradually improving, the flow of tourists is increasing, and the country seems to be seriously preparing to regain the former glory of the queen of resorts .

Undoubtedly, Bosnia and Herzegovina has a great tourist potential. It has a luxurious nature, rich history, colorful traditions - everything that can interest an inquisitive traveler.

First of all I want to praise the local nature of .It so happened that 90% of the country's territory is occupied by mountain formations of various heights .And the mountain relief, as you know, is beautiful in itself .Adding to it winding rivulets, waterfalls and reserved forest plantations, we will receive a characteristic landscape of the Balkan nature .Among the most beautiful natural attractions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Kravitsa waterfall is noted, located in a natural park on the river Trebizhat .The height of the waterfall reaches 10 m, and at its base stretches a magnificent emerald lake .By the way, on the shore of the lake there are several beautiful beaches, so if you want, you can swim and swim..

In the large cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a great cultural heritage is preserved - the result of a rich history of the state .In part, it is expressed in elegant architectural monuments, hitherto preserved in its original form, partly in museums and art galleries .Sarajevo, for example, due to a perfectly preserved historical appearance, is called the most picturesque European city .Here, along with the old Ottoman and Byzantine buildings, you can meet the most famous monument of Soviet Muslim architecture - the caravanserai Moricha-khan .Now within its walls there are cafes, shops and offices of religious organizations .

Not less popular is the notorious Latin Bridge - the place of the murder of Franz Ferdinand. In general, the consequences of this event are known to everyone, but for details it is better to contact the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is very conveniently located nearby.

Among other things, in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the largest in the Balkans Christian pilgrimage center - the village of Medugorje, in which, according to legend, there was a miracle of the apparition of the Virgin. Among other religious attractions of the country celebrate the largest Catholic Cathedral of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By the way, this cathedral is designed by the architect I. Wantsas - the creator of the Parisian Notre-Dame.

Of course, the charm of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the only popular tourist places. The country really has rich opportunities for an exciting holiday, and for anyone it's more interesting - it's already a matter of personal tastes.