Kalahari - Gemsbok

Botswana, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

 Attractions Botswana Kgalagadi is a new nature reserve, opened in May 2000 by mutual agreement between South Africa and Botswana. The main inhabitants of the reserve are hundreds of antelopes, birds of prey, lions, leopards and cheetahs. Almost all of Africa's fauna except elephants, giraffes and zebras is represented here.

National parks of Makhadikhadi and Nksai-Pan

Bostwana, Nxai Pan National Park

 Attractions of Botswana National parks Makhadikhadi and Nksai-Pan are located halfway between the cities of Maun and Nata in the northern part of the country and represent a huge plateau-hollow, which was once the largest lake in Africa.

South African Republic Botswana is an exotic state of unique pristine natural attractions. Ecotourism is very developed here, and travelers have a unique opportunity to see what the country and the continent were as a whole before the arrival of civilization here.

The most remarkable sights of Botswana are its national parks and nature conservation zones (Imbu, Chobe, Nksai-Pan) where you can get to know live with African wild animals: giraffes, cheetahs, lions, leopards, wild African dogs, numerous elephant populations that have already become a landmark of the state, his visit + $

Myths, legends and secrets encompass the unique hills of Tsodilo - pieces of rock that rise abruptly above the desert. In the representation of the peoples makoku and dzukva hills - this is a primordial chaos, a site that arose at the birth of the world.

Another natural landmark of Botswana is the famous Okavango River, or "a river that never finds the sea," the world's largest inland delta that disappears in the sands and forms labyrinths of canals, lagoons and islands..She is generously endowed with wildlife and every living creature that inhabits it..The best way to see all of this is to go on a trip to the "mokoro" (a canoe hollowed out of the trunk of a tree) along the river water with experienced guides or safari .On the way, many houses and camps designed for tourists are arranged, with rather good living conditions .

The cultural attractions of Botswana are poorer than natural ones. But here too, there is something to see.

The largest village in the east of the country is Serov, in the past - the capital of the Kingdom of Khama and the tribes of the ngwato. The memorial museum of Hama III, located in the generic "red house" donated by the ruler of Lepitism of Kham, will acquaint with the history of the family of the chieftain and head of the ngwato - Hama himself, his personal belongings and his descendants, numerous weapons, handicrafts, figurines, utensils and other artifacts, telling about the history of Serov and the tribes inhabiting this region.

It is also interesting to visit the royal cemetery Hamabilla, located in the center of the village, on the hill where the graves of Hama III and his family are located, the ruins of the 11th century village, and the funerary obelisks mark the landmarks of the country's history.

In a relatively young but quite rapidly developing city of Gaborone, thanks to diamond mining, there is a national museum, which also functions as an exhibition and sale of various works of art. It holds a unique collection of stuffed animals and historical handicrafts. It is interesting to visit the Ethnographic Museum of Gaborone and a small national art gallery.

Another uniqueness of Botswana is the Bushmen, the mysterious people of Africa, the tribe of gatherers and hunters, surviving in the arid parts of the Kalahari, where on the rocks their ancient drawings depicting scenes of hunting, battles, mythical animals .Since ancient times Bushmen, the main weapon of which is the bow, use it also as a musical instrument .And, playing it in the process of performing magical rites, the musicians lie on their backs and hold one end of the bow before the open mouth, which at that moment becomes a kind of resonator .

Myths, legends and secrets envelop the unique hills of Tsodilo - pieces of rock that rise sharply above the desert. In the representation of the peoples makoku and dzukva hills - this is a primordial chaos, a site that arose at the birth of the world.

Botswana is a beautiful, unique, unknown country where everything feels intact, where the real masters of Africa are still wild animals, and man is only a part of nature.