Domestic tourists Bulgaria is associated in many respects with the Crimea, and there is some truth in this: the same sparkling Black Sea, similar wild nature, the mass of excursion routes and hospitable locals. However, in many respects, this beautiful country overgrew the resorts of the former Soviet Union, with which it was then linked by a strong friendship.

Now the Bulgarian resorts are the class of rest that twenty years ago would be called "European": beautiful comfortable hotels with high-quality service at the warmest sea, as well as a lot of entertainment for the whole family. Moreover, you can go on vacation for a week without a long period of "vacation preparation" - tours to Bulgaria are available to almost any family with an average income.

There are many ways to get to Bulgaria. Firstly, this is a daily train from Moscow (but imagine, 58 hours on the road are two nights and more than two days!). Secondly, a motor ship on the Danube or the Black Sea (which can be convenient if you plan to visit Bulgaria during a large-scale tour). Thirdly, you can arrange a car trip. And, finally, in the fourth, the majority of tourists choose to fly by plane.

Flights to Bulgaria are easy to find, a slightly less trivial task is to choose the flight that will suit the time of departure, travel time and, of course, at cost . The most convenient flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg are direct flights from Bulgaria Air and Aeroflot.

However, there are always options - for example, Aeroflot flight from Sheremetyevo to Rome where you can drink a cup of real Italian coffee or bite a fragrant pizza before you board an Alitalia plane in Sofia . Agree, despite the apparent complexity, the route is tempting! If you like such adventures, you can build a much more complicated route, stopping for a while in several countries of the world, then to really relax and rest in the warm embrace of Golden Sands or continue exploring the labyrinth of the streets of Sofia!

If you want to spend the main "long" holidays of the year with benefit and pleasure, be sure to check the page "Flights to Bulgaria for the New Year."