China is a mysterious and mysterious country, the history of which is more than 5 thousand . years . It was here that the earliest world civilizations arose, many philosophical teachings, medicine . Over time, the state borders changed, science developed rapidly, monuments, which today attract many tourists from all over the world . Rest in China is able to make an indelible impression even on the most inveterate traveler who has visited different parts of the world . Tours on . Hainan is increasingly popular among Russian tourists who prefer combining health tourism and beach holidays . Magnificent nature in its pristine beauty, majestic imperial palaces, amazing monasteries and unique pagodas and much more awaits you in the Middle Kingdom.

 Article-pro-tours-in-China1  China opens up new opportunities for recreation

Tourism at China

One of the most important items of the country's income is tourism, so enterprising and industrious Chinese seek to encircle tourists with truly royal care and attention.

There are four main types of tourism in this country:

  • Excursion tours,
  • Beach holidays in China,
  • Medical or health-improving tours,
  • Shopping tours

Excursion tours

Millennial history, a great number of monuments of architecture, a variety of cultural and natural objects attract many tourists from all over the world . . What? Only a visit to the Miracle of the World - the Great Wall of China, the huge architectural complex - the Forbidden City, the grandiose Imperial Palace and many other cultural and historical sites, is worth a visit. In the world famous Shanghai, the magnificent Garden of Joy is located, which was defeated as far back as 16th century . Here you can also admire the Temple of the Jade Buddha whose huge figure is carved from a single piece of jade . Impressive with its uniqueness and nightly Hong Kong, Guangzhou, beautiful Xian .

Chinese culture and architecture are so original and unlike the European one that you sometimes feel yourself in a different dimension

Beach vacation in China

China is famous not only for its historical monuments, but also for an excellent beach holiday . The most popular place for this we can name the island of Hainan, as well as the famous resorts of the Yellow Sea - Beidahhe, Weihai and Qingdao . The favorable mild climate, many kilometers of sandy beaches, magnificent nature and well-developed tourist infrastructure attract more and more tourists, tired of daily hustle . The swimming season here lasts from April to November . Rapid development of the tourist business helps attract investors from all over the world and as a result, every year cozy and picturesque bays open new hotels, both private and those, which are included in the world chains . It is worth noting that beach rest in China, as a rule, can be combined with health tourism . So, for example, in the Bay of Sanya Bay there are hotels that specialize in receiving guests with certain diseases . These hotels have modern, equipped with the latest technology medical centers .

One of the largest centers of health tourism can be called the city of Dalian, located on the shores of the Yellow Sea. There are many wellness centers that offer a unique opportunity to combine beach rest and treatment

Shop tour to China

China is a global clothing manufacturer, there are factories of famous European and American manufacturers and many visitors do not miss the opportunity to spend a wonderful shopping, acquiring branded goods at the lowest prices.

It is worth noting that most tourists choose combined tours to China, which allow to make the rest as rich and bright as possible. Turning to our specialists, you can choose the most optimal variant of rest for quite reasonable prices.