Paradoxical as it sounds, China is a country for "money-bags" $ $ .Tourists with absolutely any level of prosperity do not feel worthwhile in China by Scrooge McDuck and the Mean Knight in one person..For example, having bought a collectible Rolex for ten bucks and a couple of "Livesis" to begin with, but a little more expensive, $ 12 dollars - and without any derogatory marks "made in China" .Then, having amused the pride of a wealthy white man, to take care of himself at the main health resort of China in the Hainan Island .And make sure that the phrase "you can not save on your health" said a man who has never been there before, $ $ .

What China can certainly boast of is its economy, which, despite the global crisis, swine flu and global warming, is growing at a monstrous pace. If China had an interactive map, that's what we would see: new hotels are being built in Hainan, exhibition centers are expanding in Hong Kong, and Macau casinos are getting richer and richer. For tourists it also turns out to be solid pluses: prices remain "at the level", and the choice of accommodation and entertainment is more extensive.

In addition, China miraculously combines two completely different architectural styles: huge concrete-glass, overwhelming by their size monsters of skyscrapers and small houses with sloping roofs, figures of lions and incense. In general, paradoxical Asia in its most obvious manifestation - this appears to China before inquisitive travelers.

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Counterfeits here at every step. A university graduate student, a specialist in Chinese history, tried to extradite a Buddhist temple for a Taoist - a tourist, they say, is it all the same? I found this advanced compatriot via the Internet, when before the trip I hung out at the forums of Russian Peking people. From there also appeared a certain Tolya, well amused my friends with boring mails about the high cost of gasoline and the comical ruin of our sayings ...
Alexey Boldinuk

The capital is Beijing (Beijing). The major cities are Shanghai, Chengdu, Harbin, Guangzhou.

Special administrative regions are Hong Kong, Tibet, Macau and Taiwan. A complete list of the most popular places for recreation and worthy of visiting regions of the country, see the city page and the resorts of China.


  • 1 How to get to China?
  • 2 Road from the CIS countries
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to China
  • 3 Visa to China is
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 Transport of China
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Safety of tourists
  • 9 The climate of China is
  • 10 China hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book hotel in China at the best price
  • 11 Money
  • 12 Shopping and shopping
  • 13 Cuisine and restaurants of China
  • 14 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of China
    • 14.1 We also recommend

How to get to China?

Aeroflot operates regular Moscow-Beijing flights (7, 5 hours in the air), Moscow-Shanghai (9 hours) and Moscow-Hong Kong (10 hours). Prior to Beijing, you can also get regular flights of airlines Air China, Hainan Airlines and Transaero, and to Shanghai - flights China Eastern. S7 offers direct flights to Beijing from Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Vladivostok, as well as flights from Siberia to Urumqi, Shenyang and Dalian. In the season from Moscow, charterers are raised to Hainan.

Every week two trains run from Moscow to Beijing - Chinese (through Ulaanbaatar, a transit visa is required) and Russian (via Zabaikalsk).

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  • What to do if there is a mistake in the tickets to Beijing before the birth date
  • How to get to China from Ukraine?

Road from the CIS countries

There are no direct flights from Ukraine to China. Many airlines offer transit flights with transfer in different cities, for example, Transaero, S7 and Aeroflot through Moscow, Air Astana via Astana, flydubai through Dubai, Turkish Airlines through Istanbul, Alitalia via Rome. Residents of Belarus can reach the cities of China only through Europe. From Kazakhstan there are flights to different cities of the DPRK: Alma-Ata-Urumqi route is operated several times a week by the Chinese airline "Yuzhnaya", and the flights of Almaty-Beijing and Astana-Beijing to the prerogative of Air Astana.

Search for air tickets to China

Visa to China is

Citizens of the Russian Federation and the CIS need a visa to China to visit the country.

Citizens of the Russian Federation do not need to apply for a visa to Hong Kong if the period of stay does not exceed 14 days.


Import of national currency is limited to 6000 CNY. Import and export of foreign currency is unlimited. If, during his stay in China, the tourist has not spent the entire local currency, before leaving, he can exchange it back for the required foreign, by presenting a certificate of the initial exchange (such certificate is valid for six months).

Allowed duty-free import of 400 cigarettes, 100 cigars or 500 g of tobacco, 1, 5 liters of spirits, household electrical appliances and other household items - up to 2000 CNY .Duty-free personal belongings are introduced, as well as cameras, portable tape recorders, portable video cameras and laptops - one item per tourist, if their value does not exceed 5000 CNY (things must be presented at departure).Citizens arriving and departing from the airports of the People's Republic of China must report their values ​​and other goods in a special customs declaration .The rules do not apply to children under 16 accompanied by adults, and to persons not subject to customs inspection..

In China, you can find whole neighborhoods, copied from European cities. For example, near Shanghai there is a "German town" of Qingdao, as well as "mini versions" of Venice (Macau) and Barcelona.

It is forbidden to import weapons, pornography, explosives, drugs and poisons. It is forbidden to export historical documents, valuable items and works of art, as well as painting and graphics without a check of the store confirming the lawfulness of the purchase, or permission to export from the Chinese Administrative Department for Cultural Property under the Ministry of Culture of the PRC.

In Macau, the import and export of currency valuables, including casino wins, antiques, antiques and art, gold and jewelry, and electronics is not limited.

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  • How much alcohol from the Russian duty-free can be imported to China?
  • Is it possible to export from China purchased pearls and how much is
  • How many percent is the tax-free from buying in China?

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of China in Moscow: st. Friendship 6; Tel. Consular Section: (499) 143-15-43, fax: 956-11-69, website is

The Embassy of Russia in Beijing: 100600, Beijing, Dongzhimennei Beizhong str., 4; tel .: (10) 653-220-51, 653-213-81; website

Consulate General in Shanghai: Huangpu Road, 20; tel .: (21) 632-483-83, 632-426-82; website

Consulate General in Hong Kong: 2106, 21 / Fl., Sun Hung Kai Center, 30 Harbor Road, Wanchai; tel .: (852) 287-771-88, 287-750-24, 284-554-44; website

Consulate General in Guangzhou: No.3 Linjiang Dadao, Zhujiang Xincheng, 26A, Development Center; tel .: (20) 851-850-01, 851-850-02, 851-850-03; website

Consulate General in Shenyang: Nan 13 Wei Road, 31; tel .: (24) 232-239-27, 232-243-27, 232-244-08; website

International reference service: 115, police and rescue service: 110, fire service: 119, first aid: 120, traffic police: 122, background: 114

Information service for foreigners in critical situations: in Shanghai 6-439-0630, in Guangzhou 8-667-7422

Phone code of Beijing - 10, Shanghai - 21, Guangzhou - 20.

  • How to call in China

Maps of China

Transport of China

Given the scale of the Celestial Empire, it is most sensible to use the aircraft to move between its remote cities. Fortunately, there are three national and four regional carriers in the country. Delays and cancellations of flights in China are not uncommon - before you go to the airport, it is always worth checking the status of your departure.

There are a lot of trains in China: from high-speed (350 km / h) express trains to ordinary electric trains. Accommodation - in a soft or hard compartment, on soft or hard seats or 100% democratic - standing. Tickets can be booked 5 days before the date of the trip; The fastest recumbent and sessile beds disperse the fastest.

For example, recently in China, a high-speed railway line connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou (202 km) opened. Regular trains CRH 380A will develop a speed of 350 km / h and deliver tourists from the city to the city in 45 minutes (before 78 minutes). On the route there are nine stops, the cost of traveling 98 CNY in the second class and 156 CNY - in the first. the same high-speed trains run on the Guangzhou-Wuhan line.

You can travel around China on intercity buses, but here the chances of a comfortable trip are 50-50: it is possible as a pleasant trip on a new car with air conditioning and TV, and an endless shaking on the broken "nag" in the company of Chinese peasants. ±​​$ br >

Public transport in cities is overloaded to the limit. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Tianjin there are metro, buses and trolleybuses (working from 5: 00-5: 30 to 22: 00-23: 00). Metro tickets are sold at the ticket counter at the entrance (there are no "travel" cards and no magnetic cards), the bus and trolley - at the conductor, and on the suburban lines - at the driver.

Also there are shuttle buses serving tourist areas and railway stations. The fare for them varies depending on the distance and usually ranges from 1 to 3 CNY.

Taxis are the most comfortable way to travel in the city (6-10 CNY for the first 4 km and 1-2 CNY for each subsequent one).

Traveling for short distances can be bicycle and ordinary rickshaws, the cost of travel on which depends on the weight of the passenger and the distance (usually a rickshaw is more expensive than a taxi).
  • It is worth planning trips to China by trains
  • How much does a taxi fare in China cost

Rent a car

Since the international driving license in China is invalid, car rental is only possible "complete" with the driver. The approximate cost of renting a car with a driver-guide for a trip to the excursion is 150 USD.

Skyscrapers of Shanghai China
Skyscrapers of Shanghai
Hainan templeshttp: // export = view & id = 1k3ldGva4RI_VphP3Hu2fTAq4VT054jS4 China
Temples of Hainan
Temple of the Martyrs, Taipei China
Temple of Martyrs in Taipei
Tourists on the Great Wall of China China
Great Wall of China

Safety of tourists

Before a trip to the country, no vaccinations and vaccinations are required. You must necessarily use a safe for storing documents, money and valuables. If the safe is not in the room, documents and valuables can be handed over to the administrator on duty.

An independent visit to Tibet is forbidden: a special additional permit is required, which is issued by the receiving party in advance. Tibet really visit with the group on a pre-agreed and agreed route.

A foreigner in China should always have a hotel card with an inscription in Chinese or a card with his data, filled with any Chinese interpreter.

Drinking raw tap water is strongly discouraged. In any hotel in the room there will be either a thermos with boiling water or an electric kettle. Also in most hotels free mineral water without gas is provided (the Chinese do not consume carbonated mineral water in principle). In Hong Kong, for smoking in public buildings (airport, shops, metro), a fine of ~ 5000 CNY is charged.

The Chinese are very fond of loudness: they shout a lot, signal a lot, swear a lot. And they love to sing very much. Sing everywhere, as soon as they want. Singing Chinese can be seen on the city square, on a bus or just on the street. That is why karaoke in China enjoys incredible demand and is considered a favorite entertainment. Frequent meetings with Chinese singing on the street very cheer up.

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  • What to bring to China
  • Do I need to do vaccinations to visit China?
In the vicinity of the city of Kunming is the "Kingdom of Little People" - a theme park in which only dwarfs work.

The climate of China is

The climate in different parts of the country stretching along three climatic zones varies greatly: from moderate continental with hot summers and severe winters in the west and north to subtropical in the central regions of the country and tropical monsoon on the south coast and islands. In many central and southern regions in summer, very high air humidity.

The average temperature in the northern regions in winter is about -7 ° C (not uncommon and -20 ° C), in summer around +22 ° C and dry enough. In the central part of China in winter from 0 ° C to -5 ° C, in the summer - about +20 ° C. In the southern regions in winter from +6 ° C to +15 ° C, in the summer - above +25 ° C.

The best time to travel to China is late spring (April and May), as well as autumn from September to October (in the south from November to December). But on the island of Hainan, you can go all the year round. The average annual temperature there is +28 ° C, the temperature of sea water is +25, 6 ° C.

See the current weather forecast in the main cities and resorts of the country.

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  • What is the weather in China in June?
  • What is the weather in South China in July?
  • What is the weather in China in August?
  • What is the weather in the south of China in September?
  • What is the temperature of the Chinese Sea in winter?

China hotels - $

In the country there are hotels of world and local Chinese "chains". Russian tourists are mainly populated in Chinese hotels 4-5 *. In China, the standard voltage in the electrical network is 220 V. As a rule, the numbers are equipped with universal sockets. If the plug does not fit into the outlet, the adapter can be found by the service personnel.

Most of the outlets in Hong Kong are made with a three-plug "British" type plug. The adapter costs a penny, and in hotels it is provided for free.

When paying bills in the hotel from the tourist, another 10-18% of the total amount "for services" is charged.
  • Is the quality of China's hotel good? $
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Book hotel in China at the best price


Yuan - the only official means of payment in China. The currency can be exchanged in the main branches of the Bank of China, hotels, international airports (there is the most profitable course), at railway stations and in some large shopping centers. Keep the checks received during the exchange, as the reverse exchange of the remaining RMB at the end of the trip can be made only upon presentation.

Credit cards American Express, JCB, Visa, Master Card and Diners Club are accepted in hotels and restaurants of international class, as well as large state department stores. You can withdraw cash from them only in the branches of the Bank of China (commission fee is usually 4%). When buying a credit card, a special fee is charged (1-2% of the purchase price) and there are no discounts for this purchase.

  • What is the currency in China?

Shopping and shopping

The choice of souvenirs in the country is huge, but many low quality .Chopsticks, china, cups, lacquer boxes, prints and scrollcases can be bought at every step..White and blue porcelain of the Ming Dynasty can be purchased in specialized stores, art and antique salons, there is also worth looking for and classical Chinese paintings - originals and reproductions, as well as copies of world-famous canvases at a moderate price .Hangzhou and Suzhou are famous for their excellent tea and silk .Still worth the price of products from jade (from rings to sculptures), carpets, silk fabrics, jewelry with pearls and silver coins .Well, representatives of the fair sex are guaranteed to be interested in natural cosmetics and pearl extract funds..Siberians prefer to go for shopping to nearby Manchuria .

In large state-owned stores and food stores, prices are fixed. The markets should be skillfully bargained. State-run shops are open from 9:30 to 20:30, private from 9:00 to 21:00, and often even longer. The markets open usually at 7:00 (some even at 4:00) and work until 10: 00-12: 00.

When buying tea and loose products, one should bear in mind that the measure of weight in China is "jin", equal to about half a kilo, and the specified price corresponds exactly to this measure of weight.
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Cuisine and restaurants of China

"Chinese cuisine in general" - the concept is very vague .By and large, this is a set of unlike each other dishes, significantly differing from region to region .In China, there are four main "gastronomic regions": Shandong, Sichuan, Canton (Guangdong) and Fujian - the truth, the boundaries between them are very conditional and constantly violated .Say, the cuisine of Beijing, although it refers to Shandong, but there are a number of typical Sichuan dishes .Nevertheless, certain differences between the four main culinary trends of the country are obvious: the Shandong cuisine is characterized by more salty dishes and an abundance of light sauces .Sichuan cuisine - a lot of strong seasonings, spicy and scalding .Canton is characterized by easy processing of dishes and a variety of ingredients .Read more on the kitchen page of China .

China is the birthplace of ice cream. In Europe, the recipe for this all-time favorite dessert came with a recipe for noodles thanks to Marco Polo.

For Chinese cuisine is typical of the widespread use of rice, soybeans and vegetables .Be sure to try the original Chinese noodles: rubber spirochetes from packs of "quick cooking" do not go with it in any comparison..Also in the Celestial Empire, numerous kinds of dumplings are invariably popular .More exotic dishes: soup of swallow nests, fried bear hands and "lunhudow" ("dragon fighting with a tiger"), a dish from a wild leopard cat and snake .In the country, light and strong rice beer is widely distributed - cheap and quality .The best varieties are "Qingdao" and "Wu Xing" .

Naturally, in China, not so much tea drinking is widespread as an ancient ritual - a Chinese tea ceremony.

"The Buddha jumps over the wall" is never a koan, but the name of a popular Fujian dish (however, it does not interfere with one another, right?) According to legend, Buddha was so entranced by his scent that he jumped over the fence that separated him from the plate - forgetting about the principles of vegetarianism.

Because of unusual food, tourists sometimes have stomach disorders, so it is recommended to always have a stock of appropriate medications with you. This risk is not related to the quality of cooking - it's all about the unusual kitchen.

The main test, lying in wait for a foreigner in a Chinese restaurant - "stick" etiquette .The code of traditional absorption of food "in tea style" is very extensive, detailed, but, unfortunately, not written .Firstly, the food should be silenced: the chopping of chopsticks is the destiny of those who ask for alms (but the actual process of absorbing food, especially noodles, does not have to be quiet, even on the contrary: anyone who has ever been in an authentic Chinese restaurant with Aborigines - will understand what they mean) .Secondly, to stick devices into cups with rice is strictly forbidden, since it reminds of incense smelling in the temple, and consequently - brings to mind the transition to a different world .Thirdly, stringing slipping slices of food on sticks - a terrible mauvais: this indicates that you have not learned to deal with them .However, for the welcome guests (which are all the tourists of the Middle Kingdom) there are also pleasant bonuses .For example, in a fish dish you will certainly be offered a head - this is the most delicious part! And, perhaps, a piece of $ ±​​$.
  • How much money should I bring to China for food? $
  • What Chinese food is worth trying for?
Journey to China

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of China

For tourists in China, 99 cities of great cultural and historical significance, 750 unique cultural monuments under state protection, as well as 119 landscape places are open..These are the famous monasteries (including the legendary Shaolin), ginseng farms in Qinghai Province, the Great Wall of China, numerous archaeological excavations in the Gobi Desert and Takla-Makan, mountaineering bases on the eastern slopes of the Himalayas and Karakorum, the picturesque Yunnan-Guizhou Highlands with many mountain rivers , waterfalls and deep caves .Unique lakes Taihu and Sihu, Taishan mountains, Huangshan, Emeishan .Dunhuang caves - the treasury of ancient Buddhist art, the caves of Yun-Gang, the Huangoshu Falls, the karst caves and the "stone forest" in Wansheng, the caves of Ludiyan in Guilin .In the forests of Greater Khingan you can even hunt .Traveling along the ancient Silk Road, it is worth to visit the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, where Chinese Muslims live .It can be listed for a very long time, but it's better to say this: China will always find something to surprise its guests - and on their first visit, and in the second, and the tenth .

For example, in Tibet there is not only abundant food for the spirit, but also a delight for the eyes: Potala's one-room palace, the most revered temple of Tibetan Buddhism Jokhang, Drepung monasteries and Sera, the residence complex of Norbuling's Dalai Lamas.

Combat crickets are one of China's most popular entertainment. Many children contain crickets as pets.

In Chengdu, you should see at least some of its many temples, palaces and monasteries, go on an excursion to the archaeological park of Jinsha and to the graves of Sansidui, and visit the Taoist monastery of the Tang dynasty in Qingyanggun.

As for Hong Kong, there are: the largest sitting Buddha in the world, the picturesque Man-Mao Temple, the Aberdeen Harbor, where a significant part of the city's population lives in the junks, the Won-Tai-Sing Temple, the Murray House building, the Historic Museum and Victoria Peak - an ideal viewing platform.

Apparently, the craving for large-scale projects in the Chinese in the blood is .Suppose the construction of the Great Wall of China can be conditionally attributed to an objective necessity: it was necessary for the Mongols not to run too often .But a fantastic Terracotta army? She was not fashioned to scare the Mongols! No, it was a project that had absolutely no practical application: it was simply necessary to adequately conduct to the next world one good person - the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, who managed to crank two grandiose things: unite China and connect all the links of the above-mentioned wall ±​​$ br >.Evaluate the scale and attention to detail: to date, excavated 8099 full-size statues of soldiers, horses, officers, musicians, acrobats and even officials, and among them there are no two identical! Supposedly, Qin Shihuandi was pleased with .
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Photos of China (682)