Larnaca has good reasons to be considered the oldest city in Cyprus: the evidence found by archeologists hints that people inhabited it 6,000 years ago. However, in the guise of a resort so gray-haired antiquity is not enough. Modern Larnaca is indistinguishable from other seaside resorts in Cyprus in terms of development and architectural features: an older urban center in the depths and an abundance of hotels and restaurants along the beach along which the promenade stretches.

Larnaca is the "simplest" of Cypriot resorts, for tourists with relatively (by local, of course, the standards) low income. It can be safely recommended for recreation with young children, since the sea here is shallow, with a sandy bottom. Most of the hotels are located in the tourist area of ​​Larnaca, set up east of the city on the sandy bay shore. Also this resort is suitable for elderly people who want to relax in comfort, but away from the noise of large cities.

Another specific lure of Larnaka, attractive for divers, is the place of the death of Zenobia, a ferry boat that sank here in 1980 just a few hundred meters from the harbor. The ship lies at a depth of 42 m, its upper part is 18 m under water, so that it is easy to get here even for beginners.

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  • 1 How to call
  • 2 How to get to Larnaca
    • 2.1 Search air tickets in Larnaca
  • 3 A bit of history
  • 4 Beaches of Larnaca
  • 5 Larnaca hotels
  • 6 The climate of Larnaca is
  • 7 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Larnaca
  • 8 Holidays
    • 8.1 Coast of Cyprus

How to call

8-10-357-24-telephone number

How to get to Larnaca

A direct flight from Moscow, St. Petersburg and CIS capitals to Larnaca airport, by the way, is the largest in Cyprus. The distance to the city is 7 km, the most convenient way is by taxi. Durban buses and intercity buses to Larnaca can be reached from other cities on the island - the most frequent routes from Nicosia or Limassol.

  • How to get from Paphos Airport to Larnaca.

Search air tickets in Larnaca

A bit of history

Larnaka has a centuries-old and outstanding history, and the city was founded, according to legends, as a direct descendant of Noah. Much later, St. Lazarus, resurrected from the dead, settled in these lands. He lived here for a long time, was buried here, and on his tombstone inscribed the inscription: "Lazarus friend of Christ." Most likely, it was thanks to this landmark that the city got its present name - Larnaca is translated as a "tomb". Today, on the site of the grave of Lazarus, the temple, where its relics are stored, rises.

For many years the city was the largest port of the island, from where the Phoenicians led brisk trade, in particular copper. But now the port has lost its importance and has become just a mooring place for many private yachts. But now the largest Cyprus international airport operates in Larnaca.

Beaches of Larnaca

Gray-yellow sand or small gray pebbles, sometimes mixed with sand and shell rock. The sea is shallow, ideal for recreation with children.

Book popular Larnaca hotels at the best prices

Golden Bay Beach Hotel from 7 926 rubles Larnaca Larnaca-Dhekeleia Road
Sun Hall Hotel from 5,445 rubles Larnaca 6 Athens Avenue Sentido Sandy Beach Hotel & Spa from 5 238 rubles Larnaca Larnaka-Dekeleia Road Lordos Beach Hotel from 6 203 rubles Larnaca Dhekelia Road
Alkisti City Hotel from 2 068 rubles Larnaca 1, Ayiou Lazarus Street Sveltos Hotel from 2,688 rubles Larnaca Archbishop Makarios Street Amorgos Boutique Hotel from 4 963 rubles Larnaca 11 Mitsi Street
Larco Hotel from 1 310 rubles Larnaca Pontou str, P.O. Box 42318 Les Palmiers Beach Hotel from 2 757 rubles Larnaca Corner Athens And Pierides Street Livadhiotis City Hotel from 4 067 rubles Larnaca Nikolaou Rossou 50

Larnaca hotels

The majority of hotels here are 2-3 * and inexpensive apartments located in the tourist zone on the first line. Service is very unobtrusive, but the price tag is traditionally kept at a low level.

The climate of Larnaca is

Larnaca March 1, Sunday
+17 ° С in the afternoon
+12 ° С at night
° С water
Larnaca March 2, Monday
+17 ° С in the afternoon
+12 ° С at night
° С water
Larnaca March 3, Tuesday
+18 ° С in the afternoon
+12 ° С at night
° С water
Larnaca weather forecast for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 15 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 25 + 28 + 31 + 31 + 30 + 27 + 21 + 17
night + 7 + 7 + 8 + 11 + 15 + 18 + 21 + 21 + 19 + 16 + 12 + 8
of water + 16 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 20 + 23 + 25 + 26 + 26 + 24 + 21 + 18

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Larnaca

In addition to beach holidays in Larnaca, you can find many other activities. For example, you can see the ruins of an ancient city, where fragments of not only Christian churches built at the dawn of our era, but the remains of the five sanctuaries of the ancient Greek gods, were preserved. Also in the city there is an ancient church of the Byzantine times, Panay Angeloktisti, according to legend, built by the angels themselves. If you decide to look inside, do not forget to look at the unique fresco with the image of Our Lady, created as far back as the 4th century.

For a long time Larnaka was under the Turkish yoke, which postponed a certain imprint on the architectural appearance of .So the city is surrounded by a massive fortress, next to which on the site of the Christian temple was the erected mosque Al Kebir, which is still in effect .This is allowed access to tourists who are attracted by the beautiful panoramas opening from the minaret .On the outskirts of the city there is another mosque - Tekke Hala Sultan, one of the main shrines of the entire Muslim world .It is located on the shore of the amazing Salt Lake, on which spend the winter pink flamingos .

And just a few kilometers from Larnaka is the oldest monastery of Stavrovouni, which has a unique history of tragedy. The local monks are reliably hidden from the worldly bustle, and tourists are categorically denied access to it, but to admire it at least from afar will also be very interesting.

In a small authentic village of Lefkara, unique handmade lace products are still manufactured.

At one time the art of this village captivated even the brilliant Leonardo Da Vinci.

Pottery workshops also operate here. With these folk crafts, Cyprus has been famous for many centuries, so it would be difficult to find a better place to buy souvenirs.

Larnaka from a bird's-eye view

If in any other city the main place is usually some area, then in Larnaca the favorite place for tourists and locals was always the picturesque embankment of Finikoudes, or the embankment of the date palm trees .Here you can walk leisurely in the shade of slender rows of tropical trees and admire the seascape .Also on the embankment is concentrated a huge number of bars, cozy taverns and chic restaurants .One of the favorite places in Larnaca has long been the tavern Monte Carlo, which serves dishes of national Cypriot cuisine and simply amazingly prepare fresh seafood..And the best wine card in these parts can boast a conceptual retro-bar «Istante» .

Fans of diving can make an underwater excursion to the sunken ships near the seaside coast.


Immediately after the feast of the Holy Trinity, the ancient folk festivals "Cataclysmus" take place here, marking the beginning of summer. During this action the priest throws a wooden cross in the sea, and the one who finds it will become the king of the holiday, he proclaims an order according to which everyone should bathe in the sea - and one who does not go into the water voluntarily risks to be thrown there by force . All this takes place in an easy and relaxed atmosphere of universal fun. Photos of Larnaca (15)