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Blue hole in Dahab

Dahab, Blue Hole

 Attractions of Egypt Blue hole in Dahab - a unique place, attracting both ordinary tourists and fans of thrill. Scientists are still arguing about how a sheer cave with a depth of about 100 meters and a diameter of at least 50 meters was formed in the middle of the Red Sea.

City of the Dead

 Attractions of Egypt The small Egyptian city of Luxor can easily claim the title of one of the most interesting cities in the world. Many ancient sites are concentrated here, for which thousands of tourists come to Egypt every year.

Valley of the Kings

Kings Valley Rd, Qesm Al Wahat Al Khargah, New Valley Governorate

 Attractions of Egypt Having heard the question "The most grandiose cemetery in the world? ", Domestic tourists who have long since chosen Egypt as a modern" all-Russian health resort "will not lose their heads and answer:" The Valley of the Kings. " And this will be true truth.

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Meret Basha, Qasr an Nile, Cairo

 Attractions of Egypt One of the most interesting places in Cairo by right is the Egyptian Museum, located on Tahrir Square. Here is collected a huge number of Egyptian antiquities of great interest. It's very difficult to see more than 150 thousand exhibits in one day, but it's worth trying.

Karnak Temple

El-Shaikh Mousa, El-Karnak

 Attractions of Egypt Karnak Temple - the largest temple complex of Ancient Egypt - combines a series of buildings more like a separate city than a temple. The Karnak temple began to be built around the 20th century. BC. And every Pharaoh after that somehow completed the part of the temple.

Luxor Temple

Madinet Al Oqsor, Luxor

Sights of Egypt Luxor Temple is located on the right bank of the Nile, in the City of the Living. It is directly connected with the Karnak temple complex. In ancient times, these two attractions connected the alley of 365 sphinxes. Up to now, the alley has not reached its fullest, but it is being gradually restored.

The Abdulhasan Elshazi Mosque in Hurghada is

Hurghada, Aldahaar mosque

Sights of Egypt The Abdulhasan Elshazi Mosque is one of the most beautiful sights of Hurghada and the largest mosque in the city. It is often referred to as the central one - it is the main one in Hurghada, not only city dwellers come to pray and glorify Allah, but believers from nearby settlements as well.

Pyramid of Djoser

Al Badrashin, Giza

Sights of Egypt Decide on this trip is definitely worth it, at least out of curiosity. After all, the pyramid of Djoser is recognized as the oldest preserved Egyptian pyramid. Yes-yes, this is the first pyramid of Egypt, and it was built in honor of the ruler Djoser by the architect and the approximate pharaoh Imhotep.

Pyramid of Mikerin

Al Haram, Giza

Sights of Egypt The Pyramid of Micherine is located on the Giza plateau next to other equally famous Egyptian pyramids - Cheops and Chephren. In comparison with the neighbors "giants", it is the smallest (its height is only 62 m) and the "youngest" pyramid of the famous triad.

Pyramid of Cheops

Al Haram, Giza

Sights of Egypt Probably, there is no person who does not know the main Egyptian attraction - the pyramid of Cheops. And tourists who visited Egypt and did not visit the only surviving Seven Wonders of the World, except that you can count on your fingers.

Pyramid of Khafre

Al Haram, Giza

Sights of Egypt The Pyramid of Khafre has two entrances. One - at a height of 15 m, the other on the same side, but at the base level. Tourists get inside through the upper entrance and go further along the passage-corridor to the burial chamber.

Ras Mohammed

Qesm Sharm Ash Sheikh

Sights of Egypt The Ras Mohammed National Park, created in 1989, is designed to protect the wall of coral reefs that once conquered Jacques-Yves Cousteau from destruction. Now their beauty is admired by tourists visiting the "Head of Muhammad" - so the name of the reserve is translated.


Nazlet El-Semman, Al Haram, Giza

Sights of Egypt One of the most ancient world sculptures, no doubt, can be called a statue of the Sphinx. In addition, it is also one of the most mysterious sculptures, because the mystery of the Sphinx is still not fully understood. Sphinx is a creature with a female head, paws and a lion's body, wings of an eagle and a tail of a bull.

Temple of Amon Ra

El-Karnak, Luxor

Sights of Egypt The Temple of Amon Ra is the main religious structure of Ancient Egypt, it is located near the city of Luxor, in the village of Karnak (from Hurghada about 270 km). In this area once were the great Thebes - the capital of ancient Egypt.

Temple of Ramses II

Abu Simbel Temple

Sights of Egypt The temple of Ramses II is in Nubia, about 280 km from Aswan. And although the road to Abu Simbel (this is the name of the rock where the temple is located), frankly speaking, is not close (from Hurghada to Nubia eight hours by bus), it's still worth it to decide on a trip.

Hatshepsut Temple

Desir al-Bahri, Thebes, Luxor

Sights of Egypt Temple Hatshepsut is one of the most important places among all the sights of Egypt. This majestic structure is located at the base of the steep cliffs of Deir el-Bahri. The meaning of the temple of Hatshepsut can be judged by the way it was called in ancient times - Jesser Jesser.

Abydos Temple

Sights of Egypt Abydos Temple is of great historical value, tourists here can be counted on the fingers. Abydos is at a decent distance from Luxor and Dendery and therefore a trip to the temple is rarely included in the tour package tour. And look here, believe me, there is something.

Aquarium in Hurghada - $

Hurgada, Sea Life Hotel

Sights of Egypt The aquarium of Hurghada is unique in its kind - it is the first not only in Egypt, but also worldwide aquarium, where an extensive collection of flora and fauna of the Red Sea is collected. The aquarium was opened in 1989 and became a real pride of the city. Excursions are organized daily here.

Aswan Dam

Aswan, Qism Aswan, Manteqet as Sad Al Aali

Sights of Egypt The Aswan Dam is the pride of Egypt, which was designed in the 1960s by Soviet engineers. The dam allowed Egypt to fully switch to year-round irrigation of its lands. But the Aswan dam brought with it troubles, in particular the destruction of ancient monuments located on the water way.

Mount Sinai

South Sinai

Sights of Egypt The place where the three great religions meet, the place where humanity received its first law, the place that God Himself sanctified with His presence, Mount Sinai is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

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The centuries-old history of Egypt is seen in every stone, ledge, monument of its ancient cities and settlements. The hot breath of the desert awakens the ancient pyramids-colossi, the silhouettes of which are imprinted in memory forever. A non-cool wind blows between the ruins of ancient temples, religious buildings and sphinxes, guarding the peace of their ancestors. The ghosts of the past arise in the way of the statues of the gods, the obelisks of the pharaohs carved from stone, but at the same time filled with the breath of life.

Naturally, every tourist who has got to Egypt, considers it his duty to see the grandest structures ever created by man - the great pyramids. The most massive is the pyramid of Cheops in Giza, whose height is 137 meters.

The main mystery of the Sphinx, whose face was engraved in stone, is still a mystery: one group of historians claims that this is the face of Pharaoh Cheops, another legend says that it is the god of Horus, watching the sun rise, or the god Ra. ±​​$ br >
Naturally, every tourist who has got to Egypt, considers it his duty to see the grandest structures ever created by man - the great pyramids.

A huge city, the capital of Egypt, stuffed with ancient monuments, familiarity with which it is better to start climbing the citadel of Salladin, from where you can see the whole city. Nearby are the mosques of Muhammad Ali and Sultan Kalahun with lace minarets. The aqueduct, the building of the oldest Arab University of Al-Azar, impresses with its impressive size. A separate day should be allocated for a visit to the largest in the East bazaar - Khan el-Khalili.

It is impossible to cover all the beauties of the ancient city museum under the open sky of Luxor in one day. A few thousand years ago, Thebes, the capital of ancient Egypt, made a noise here, reminiscent of the amazing architectural structures and exhibits from the collection of the Luxor Museum.

The Hellenic world is vividly represented by this amazing city, Alexandria, which the Kite Bay fortress will tell in detail. The model of Arab architecture is the Abu el Abbas Mosque, striking with its luxurious interior decoration. 200 km to the north there is the city of Port Said, in the National Museum of which there are exhibits of the culture of pre-Farahan times.

The Sinai Peninsula is famous for its colorful canyon, which is surrounded by hot springs. It is possible with the crowds of pilgrims to go to the holy place, Mount Moses, to the top of which, directly to the chapel of the Holy Trinity, lead 3750 steps. On the way back there is an opportunity to look into the monastery of St. Catherine, the oldest in the Christian world.

Finally, the picturesque Egyptian oases are famous. For example, Bahariya arose in a place where hot springs are beating. Another unique artesian source of "Bath of Aphrodite" made popular the oasis of Kharga, where the ruins of the temple of Amun and Mut, the necropolis of El-Bagavat, the temple of Ibis were found.

The valley of the Mummies oasis of Bahariya was called for a reason: in the local necropolis mummies were found, whose age reaches 1800 years.