Bright colors of Egypt

Egyptian authorities do not exclude the possibility of simplifying the rules of entry for Russian tourists. A representative of the Ministry of Tourism of the North African country, Mohammed Salem, told that, if necessary, Egypt could allow Russians to enter through internal passports.

The decision on the entry into the territory of Egypt on domestic passports can be taken by the Egyptian government at the request of the Ministry of Tourism. In addition, the initiative should approve the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

If the decision on internal passports is found to be useful, the question of innovation will be discussed with the Russian authorities.

February 20, 2015
Comment on the news

February 22, 2015

Where are the visas and stamps about crossing the borders? In the internal passport?

Departure! February 21, 2015

That is ...
Departure can be carried out not from the international terminal and FSSP horseradish stop?

February 20, 2015

On the ruble counted, in hotels prices are down, charters are compensated, visas are canceled, now entry by internal passports - that is, it will be possible and those who have not been looted. A modest Arab country is a smart and ideal example for our "GREAT" officials, including for the profitable officials of Rosturizm. And I would not be surprised if it's OUR officials who will start to stick them in the wheels to drive to go to Russia without service, but with an intestinal infection, and they'll fall into their pocket, and they will not develop anything!

it's too much February 20, 2015

We wanted to cross the ruble. Means talked and forgotten. And from the entrance to the internal passport to me neither hot nor cold.

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