If the nature of Finland interests you more than cities, you will most likely stay in a cottage or cottage settlement . Here your rules are . Finns are a nation of laconic, restrained, polite, punctual people . Late - warn by phone . Avoid familiarity, including excessive warning about Finnish women . Consider that almost 90 percent of Finns are Lutherans, so there are some cultural differences between Russians and Finns, and the dates of all Christian holidays do not coincide 14 days . purchasing Christmas tours to Finland, you will spend a family holiday in the homeland of Santa Claus - Lapland, taking with them a piece of the local fairy-tale atmosphere .

it safe to book a cottage through the Internet or by phone. Please note, however, that in June - August, as well as in the holidays of December - March, only weekly booking is possible (starting from Saturday or, less often, from Friday). In the rest of the time, the cottage can be booked for a few days or only on weekends.

 Bath, Finland  Cottage holidays in Finland
Finnish baths
 Wooden houses in Turku, Finland  Cottage holiday in Finland
Wooden houses in Turku
 Cottage on the shore of a lake, Koli, Finland  Cottage holidays in Finland
Cottage on the shore of the lake, Koli

Standard hour of arrival in the cottage - 16:00, release - 12 : 00. Be sure to inform the landlord in advance that you are planning to visit the cottage after 16:00, and also that you need a room for smokers.

The rental price usually includes breakfast and is not included:

  • bed linen - you can rent it additionally, or you can bring your own;
  • slippers - here they are not given out even for money;
  • toilet paper, spices, detergents, etc.
  • maid work - plan in the budget this inevitable article.

Rent a cottage you need to be impeccably clean. Cleaning can be done on your own, but it's recommended to pay 50-90 EUR to specialists, because cleaning requires:

  • clean the fireplace;
  • shake out the rugs;
  • take out the rubbish;
  • air a bed linen;
  • bed beds;
  • clean the stove and refrigerator;
  • wash and place the dishes;
  • clean the toilet, including the plumber;
  • wash the sauna ;
  • vacuum the cottage;
  • wash the floors;
  • clean the boat if you use it.

In addition to cottages, you can stop at the farm, in the camping or in the manor. The hostel or the hostel can be legally closed from 10 to 16 hours, so do not leave, wait for the hosts.

Natalia Dorovskaya

The material was prepared as part of the joint program "Safety of tourists abroad" with the portal www.krayushenko. ru