A city of love, the capital of fashion, a literary paradise ... Paris has many different names .And although the queues in museums are sometimes too long, and the fine French cuisine can not all be affordable, a vacation in Paris can be very cheap..It does not matter whether you kneel on the steps of the cathedral in search of spiritual strength or put your elbows on the counter of one of the French markets, our top-10 will help you not to miss any interesting place..Visiting all the attractions on the list is absolutely free, which means you can save money for really important things: cheese and wine..And after returning home, you will long remember the flickering lights of the Eiffel Tower .

Notre-Dame de Paris (Notre Dame Cathedral)

Built in the Gothic style and decorated with gargoyles, this symbol of Paris is of particular interest to every tourist. A visit to the medieval cathedral is absolutely free, but if you do not want to stand in a huge line, then a walk nearby along the Seine will be a good alternative: you can perfectly view the thorny apses and naturalistic sculptures of Notre Dame.

Flea market Saint-Ouen

Viewing showcases (or their "licking", as the French say) - will allow you to look through art objects and interesting things that you would never have bought .Flea market of antiques Saint-Ouen is an ideal place for flying fantasy .Carpets of bear skin, antique tapestries and brass cast bells - all this you can find on an amazing, eccentric market .(But try not to round your eyes, looking at the price tags) .The market starts from the metro station Porte de Klinancourt and continues under the bridge right up to the souvenir shops with their beautiful goods filled with lanes .

Field of Mars

Ascent to the Eiffel Tower will cut your budget by 13, 40 EUR per ticket, but fortunately, the view from below is no less stunning. The Mars field is a lawn and flowerbeds, located with military precision (and how else can the place where the armies march?) Take a rug, wine, the best brie, have a picnic in the midst of this greens and wait for the start of the light show and the lights that will shine the Eiffel Tower .

Sightseeing tour of Paris

Pere Lachaise Cemetery

This is one of the most attractive places in Paris, where you can "stand shoulder to shoulder" with such literary geniuses as Proust and Balzac, or leave a kiss on the tomb of Oscar Wilde .Jim Morrison is also buried here, and to his grave, strewn with cigarette butts, garlands of flowers and alcohol, rock fans make a "musical pilgrimage" .Shady alleys and crow's cries make a walk along Pere Lachaise the most atmospheric in all Paris .Going to the twentieth district, go to the 2nd or 3rd line of Pere Lachaise, and do not forget to pay tribute to the memory of Philippe Auguste .

Museum of Contemporary Art of Paris

To appreciate the culture of surrealism in Paris, visit the permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Modern Art. Starting with the big Cubism of Marriage and ending with the dancers of Matis, you are sure to find something that will stir up your feelings. Take the 9th subway line and get off at the Alma-Marceau station.

Market Aligr

Admire the best local products on the Aligr market. Cheese mountains, butchers and flower trays will leave an indelible impression after wandering along the shopping arcades. Stop to drink a glass of Bordeaux or eat a crispy baguette. Go to Lendru-Rollin Metro Line 8 and go to Aligr. ±​​$ market.

Eiffel Tower, Paris, France 10 free attractions in Paris
Notre Dame Cathedral, Francehttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1E0QQKMsI0Xww1oS0XbIuKxVXbYX7bWf- 10 free attractions in Paris

Basilica of the Sacred Heart

This magnificent white marble church is crowned by a lively Montmartre, located in the 18th arrondissement. The interior of the basilica is decorated with gold mosaics and colored stained glass. It is here that you can hear the sound of one of the heaviest bells in the world. A visit to the basilica itself is free of charge, and going up to the dome and exploring the crypt costs money.

Carnaval Museum

Here you will touch the history of Paris, starting from its origins, smoothly turning to the transformation of the city into the capital of fashion and ending with our days. For a visit to the museum's permanent collection, no fee is charged, and you can stroll through the old baroque reconstructed living rooms. The nearest metro stations are Shmen-Werth and St. Paul.

Park Butte-Chaumont

Steep slopes of the park seem like hell for your feet, but a real holiday for the soul. The abundance of birds, rocky terrain and waterfalls, created by the landscape genius Baron Osman, make you forget for a while that you are in the capital of France. There is a park in the 19th arrondissement of Paris near the metro station of the same name Bute-Shchomon.

Cemetery Montparnasse

The last resting place of hundreds of glamorous and intelligent Parisians, which is certainly smaller than Père Lachaise, is ideal for a quiet walk. Come closer than you could imagine, to Jean-Paul-Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and Samuel Beckett.

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10 free attractions in Paris