Once, getting an education abroad was the privilege of the elect, and the rest could only dream about it .And there is still such a stereotype: there is an opinion that in order to study in another country, you need to have a strong financial base or, at least, good connections .This misconception arises from the lack of information and the lack of mass educational practice abroad in the past decades .However, in the age of globalization and great opportunities, everyone who aspires to a dream receives the desired reward - a foreign diploma that opens new and boundless prospects..Today, the best higher and secondary educational institutions in the world offer a lot of programs for foreign students, students and those who want to improve their qualifications, including in France .The case for small: it remains only to choose a country, university and faculty .

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France: romance does not interfere with studies

Who among us did not dream of preparing for the exams on the Champs Elysees or before going to school to go to a small cafe and take a soft croissant for breakfast? To bring this beautiful fairy tale to life today is more than real, because France is in the top 10 countries that offer the most qualitative and, most pleasantly, quite affordable education. More than 80 universities offer various training programs not only in the most popular educational areas, but also in highly specialized.

Education Abroad

In France, the educational system is significantly different from ours .Primary school, where children study from 6 to 11 years old, has 5 classes and includes a preparatory course, two primary and two middle courses .Then the children go to college, where they have to undergo several cycles: adaptations (6 and 5 classes), orientations (4 and 3 classes) and professional cycle (2 and 1 classes) .At the end of the third year of the college, boys and girls should decide which diploma they will receive at the Lyceum, where they will go after college: a bachelor (3 years) or a professional (2 years).The first is valued more, since it gives an opportunity to enter the university right after obtaining a degree of $ ±.A professional diploma (in Russia is equivalent to a diploma of secondary specialized education) does not allow you to receive higher education, for this you will have to complete another year at the Lyceum in order to pass the baccalaureate exam $ ±.

Higher education in France also involves a long (5-8 years) and short (2 years) training periods. The advantage of the second one is the rapid employment and saving of time on study, and the first one - the opportunity to get a high-paying and prestigious position.

Who among us did not dream of preparing for the exams on the Champs Elysees or before going to school to go to a small cafe and take a soft croissant for breakfast?

Anyone who chooses a long cycle is required to obtain a general education diploma for 2 years, then pass a license course (1 year) and mastery (1 year) to determine the specialty. Then students study the chosen direction in detail and pass the practice, as a result of which they receive a diploma of higher specialized education (French MBA) or a diploma of in-depth study and research, which is given after the defense of scientific work. Then, like us, you can go to graduate school for 3-4 years.

In addition to universities, there are also higher schools. To study in them is extremely prestigious, after all graduates of the so-called Grandes Écoles occupy leading positions of large companies.

Schools and colleges in France, or the child of Paris

Recently, in modern families, parents tend to teach their children foreign languages ​​from an early age. Most often, it's English, German and French. There are many methods: you can buy books and cartoons in another language, hire a tutor, send it to a language school, or send abroad for a short or long period. The last method of influence is most effective - after all, getting into the natural French environment, your child will receive communication skills and will be able to learn the language faster.

Summer schools and colleges (short term)

Most often children and adolescents aged 9-17 are sent to summer French schools .Usually the period of study is 2-4 weeks, with an additional charge of $ ±​​$.The price ranges from 1000 to 4000 EUR depending on the number of days, the status and location of the school .The price, as a rule, includes: airport transfers, training, meals, accommodation (in the family, apartments or school dormitories), medical insurance, excursions, entertainment, textbooks, notebooks and stationery .Air tickets, visa and registration fee are almost always paid separately .

The standard program of the summer school includes about 20 lessons of 45 minutes a week, but you can study and at an intensive rate - up to 30 lessons. Already in school, based on the results of a small entrance test, groups of 6-8 people are formed (by age and level of knowledge).

Areas of Bordeaux Education in France is
Cafe at the Jourdain metro station in Paris Education in France is
Parc Monceau Education in France is

In addition to productive classes and language practice of your child, you will find exciting excursions, sports and a lot of entertainment activities..In addition, the summer school is an excellent alternative to the summer camp, because here children not only have a rest, have fun and communicate with their peers, but also receive the necessary intellectual load .Moreover, you can choose an educational institution not only in the center or suburbs of Paris, but also on the coast (for example, in Cannes or Nice) .Thus, you will give your child a unique opportunity in their free time to not only take sun baths and enjoy swimming in the waters of the Mediterranean, but also learn the water sports (younger groups go to the beach with a school tutor).

In the center of Paris one of the best schools is Rueil Malmaison, and on the Cote d'Azur, AzurLingua and CentreInternationalD'Antibes are most often selected.

Long-term education in schools and colleges

In France, all schools are divided into public and private, there are also boarding schools. You will be able to give your child to each of these schools, provided that he or she has a guardian in the role of which, for example, the school administration or some other organization that has assumed this responsibility may act. Upon admission, you will need to pass the test in French, which involves knowing its basics.

In general public schools your child will be taught completely free of charge, you will have to pay only for accommodation (if it is a boarding school). However, training in private institutions will cost you at least 16 thousand EUR per year. Nevertheless, the latter are worth their money: they are considered more modern and are famous for highly qualified teachers who find an individual approach to each of the students, develop their personal potential and help determine the direction in the senior classes of the college.

The choice is yours: each of the schools has a website on which you will find contacts for feedback. This will give you the opportunity to better familiarize yourself with the training conditions and get answers to all the questions that arise.

Higher education and MBA in France

Today, many students from Russia come to study in France. The young people are attracted not only by the romantic atmosphere that reigns in this country, but also by the opportunity to get exactly the education they are dreaming about, a pleasant bonus to which will be a perfect knowledge of the French language.

More than 80 universities, about 500 higher schools, several thousand training centers offering highly specialized courses are all available for our students in France. Not for every education will have to pay - many institutions are in the custody of the state. Private schools offer their services at the price of 10 thousand or more EUR.


In order to start training in France, it is enough to have a certificate that is issued at the end of the school. The second prerequisite is a good knowledge of French. Usually, in order to enter the university, foreign students do not need to take entrance examinations (in higher schools, on the contrary, examinations are held, and the competition for a place is high enough) - the commission checks them only for knowledge of the language (verbally or with the help of a test). ±​​$ The

In order to start training in France, it is enough to have a certificate that is issued at the end of the school. The second prerequisite is a good knowledge of French.

If you have already graduated from university in your country and want to continue studying in France, then you need to provide a diploma of completed higher education. If you do not yet have a Russian diploma for higher education, but you want to study in France, it does not matter - you will definitely be admitted to a French university. However, in this case, you will have to start learning not with the second or third levels of training (license and master), but with the first, that is, the general education.

Very often, Russian universities cooperate with universities in other countries, which facilitates the transfer of students to study abroad $ ±.If for some reason this option is not considered, then in order to indicate your desire to get into a particular educational institution in France, you need to register personally with the selected university / higher education .By e-mail, you need to send your CV and the so-called "motivation letter" to the admission office of a particular French university, in which you should write as best as possible about why you chose this particular institution .Next, you need to wait for an answer with an invitation from the host .Admission commissions in France usually start working in June-July, however, take care to send a request in the spring, because all the necessary documents for long-term training will take a considerable amount of time .

If the invitation has come, you need to send a dossier to the address of your chosen higher education institution (there are special forms), which must also be included in the French embassy before March 15, certified copy of the diploma, certificate DELF or TCF / TEF (if you have it there is, at the admission test for knowledge of French to take it is not necessary), copies of the passport and birth certificates .Documents for admission to the master or license level are slightly different from those that are submitted for the first cycle .It is worth remembering that all documents that you send to France must be duplicated in French .

Another compulsory procedure is the registration of a long-term student visa, which will allow you to obtain a residence permit in France. To get it, you need to provide a copy of the insurance policy and a certificate of financial solvency - the state should know that you have something to live in a foreign country. You also need to make health insurance.


Despite the fact that the state pays for your studies (except private schools and universities), you need to pay a registration fee of 300 EUR .Higher and specialized schools will cost you 7-11 thousand $ $ .EUR, and MBA - more than 20 thousand .EUR per year .Do not forget that to everything else you need to have enough money for food, accommodation and other needs, even if you are a scholarshipeer .In a month for one meal students spend about 500 EUR, and housing rises in all in a different amount, depending on who lives where .In large cities, it is most advantageous to live in student dormitories (the application must be submitted in advance, preferably for half a year) .If you study in a small suburb, you will always be able to rent a good apartment .At the same time, remember that the French government compensates students for 20-40% of housing fees .Moreover, for young people coming to study, there are a lot of benefits and scholarships that are provided by our and French representations, as well as international funds .

In France, a lot of prestigious universities and schools, but the best are Paris-1, Paris-2, Paris-5, Paris-6, Paris-9, as well as the famous "New Sorbonne" and " Pantheon of the Sorbonne. "

Where to study

In France, a lot of prestigious universities and schools, but the best are Paris-1, Paris-2, Paris-5, Paris-6, Paris-9, as well as the famous "New Sorbonne" and " Pantheon Sorbonne ».This is a proven university, which has been producing excellent specialists for several decades - $ .New universities and higher schools choose absolutely by other criteria - unlike old educational institutions where there is a certain range of specialties, there are new training directions, as well as good equipment and fresh repairs .MBA is better to receive in higher schools .

France: open doors for new opportunities.

France is a wonderful country of romantics, poets and dreamers..Start training in this amazing country, and you might not want to leave it at all .With a good French education, you can find a job in any foreign company, because, in addition, while studying in France, you will certainly learn one or more languages ​​.To be a good professional is not enough of one perseverance and a bright head, you need to be able to change and change .And what better and more cardinally change your life than moving to another country? France will open up new opportunities for you and give you a sense of excellence and independence that any careerist is dreaming about..

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