
Alphabetical By regions
  • Aachen
  • Augsburg
  • Bavaria
  • Baden-Baden
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • Bayreuth
  • The Baltic coast of Germany
  • Bamberg
  • Berlin
  • Berchtesgaden
  • Bonn
  • Brandenburg
  • Braunschweig
  • Bremen
  • Warnemünde
  • Wartburg
  • Weimar
  • Wiesbaden
  • Wismar
  • Würzburg
  • Hamburg
  • Hanover
  • Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  • Heidelberg
  • Hessen
  • Gyuntsburg
  • Dachau
  • Dessau
  • Dortmund
  • Dresden
  • Dusseldorf
  • The castle of Neuschwanch ain
  • Solingen
  • Sylt
  • Cologne
  • Kiel
  • Chiemsee
  • Koblenz
  • Leipzig
  • Lübeck
  • Magdeburg
  • Mainz
  • Mannheim
  • Marburg
  • Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania
  • Monschau
  • Münster
  • Munich
  • Naumburg
  • Lower Saxony
  • Nuremberg
  • Oberammergau
  • Oberstdorf
  • Osnabruck
  • Potsdam
  • Wright- im Winkl
  • Regensburg
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Romantic road of Germany
  • Rostock
  • Rothenburg
  • Rügen
  • Saarland $
  • Saarbruecken
  • Saxony
  • Saxony-Anhalt
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Tegernsee
  • Timmendorfer-Strand
  • Trier
  • Tübingen
  • Thuringia
  • Usedom
  • Ulm
  • Freiburg
  • Frankfurt
  • Fuessen
  • Chemnitz
  • Zugspitze
  • Schwarzwald
  • Schwerin
  • Schleswig-Holstein
  • Stuttgart
  • Emmendingen
  • Erfurt + $
  • Essen
  • Bayern
    • Augsburg
    • Bayreuth
    • Bamberg
    • Berchtesgaden
    • Wurzburg
    • Garmisch-Partenkirchen
    • Günzburg
    • Dachau
    • Schloss Neuschwanstein
    • Chiemsee
    • Munich
    • Nuremberg
    • Oberammergau
    • Oberstdorf
    • Wright-im-Winkl
    • Regensburg
    • Rothenburg
    • Tegernsee
    • Fuessen
    • Zugspitze
  • Baden-Württemberg
    • Baden-Baden
    • Geid elberg
    • Mannheim
    • Tübingen
    • Ulm
    • Freiburg
    • Black Forest
    • Stuttgart
    • Emmendingen
  • The Baltic coast of Germany is
    • Rügen
    • Timmendorfer Strand
    • Usedom
  • Berlin
  • Brandenburg
    • Potsdam
  • Bremen
  • Hamburg
  • Hesse
    • Wiesbaden
    • Marburg
    • Frankfurt
  • Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania
    • Warnemünde
    • Wismar
    • Sprout
    • Schwerin
  • Lower Saxony
    • Braunschweig
    • Hanover
    • Osnabrueck
  • Rhineland-Palatinate
    • Mainz
  • Romantic road of Germany
  • Saar
    • Saarbruecken
  • Saxony
    • Dresden
    • Leipzig
    • Chemnitz
  • Saxony-Anhalt
    • Dessau
    • Magdeburg
    • Naumburg
  • North Rhine-Westphalia
    • Aachen
    • Bonn
    • Dortmund
    • Düsseldorf
    • Solingen
    • Cologne
    • Koblenz
    • Monschau
    • Munster
    • Trier
    • Essen
  • Thuringia
    • Wartburg
    • Weimar
    • Erfurt
  • Schleswig-Holstein
    • Sylt
    • Kiel
    • Lübeck
Cities and resorts in Germany
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Cities and resorts in Germany
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Germany firmly associates at us invariable quality in everything, from manufacture of cars and finishing rest. In Germany, there really are a lot of opportunities for a variety of leisure activities. Here are cozy fairy-tale cities and castles, thermal springs and seashore, ski slopes and grape valleys. And everywhere you are waited by impeccable service, fine beer and a rich treat.

German Baltics

The German Baltic States are a great place to relax, there is a very beautiful coastline and a fairly mild climate..Baltic resorts enjoyed popularity in the 18-19 centuries, as we are reminded today by the villas of aristocrats, in which hotels are now located .The coast of the Baltic Sea is sandy, which makes these places for tourists with children very attractive..In the German Baltic, active rest is popular - from walking along the coast to the famous regattas .Widely presented and the choice of health and medical procedures: therapeutic mud, thalassotherapy and other .

The Vardemünde resort is famous for its thalassotherapy center, whose total area is about 2400 square meters. m

The largest resort of Mecklenburg Kühlungsborn - a real architectural gem, representing an example of a typical resort development of the past .The beach of the city stretches as much as 6 kilometers, and the embankment with a stunning view - more than 4 kilometers .The famous island of Rügen, which once inhabited the Slavic tribe of ruyan, Germany's largest island, its area of ​​about 1 thousand square kilometers .Throughout the length of the island coast you will find beautiful sandy beaches, from which fabulous views of the sea open spaces of the harsh Baltic Sea .In the town of Binz are of interest villas built in the late 19th - early 20th centuries .Sellin is famous for its marina, which houses a house built in the Art Nouveau style .There are several castles on the island, although it must be said that they are not the oldest (dating back to the 19th century) - Ralsvik and Granits .Here is built a beautiful Renaissance palace called Spiker .


Bavaria, the land that is located in the south of the country, is another very successful destination for recreation. Of course, there are many alpine ski resorts, some of which skating continues throughout the year. Another local attraction - the wonderful mountain lakes and ancient castles, towering on the mighty mountains, overgrown with dark fir trees. Well, we should not forget that the capital of the region Munich is not only a very beautiful original city, but also in a sense a beer capital of the country.

In summer, an excellent option for a holiday is a trip to the mountain lakes that this land abounds with.

Ski Resorts

Ski resorts in Germany will suit both experienced skiers and snowboarders, as well as children and beginners..Needless to say about the service, which is here at the highest level, and the developed infrastructure is .One of the most popular local resorts is Garmisch-Partenkirchen, located at the highest mountain in Germany - Zugspitze .The total length of the trails is 120 kilometers .The longest route in the country is located in Oberstdorf, its length is about 7, 5 kilometers .But the resort also offers more peaceful, gentle routes .In Oberstdorf there is a park for snowboarders, so you can witness a competition here .In the Berchtesgaden resort, the routes of two levels - simple and medium .The longest slope is about 2 kilometers .Berchtesgaden offers many options for winter recreation: skating, sledging and even bobsleighing .

Lake Germany

In summer, an excellent option for a holiday is a trip to the mountain lakes, which abound in this land. On the lakes you can swim, go boating, walk, cycle, explore the surrounding mountains and forests, and small cozy villages.

Lake Chiemsee, which is proudly called the "Bavarian Sea", is located 80 km southeast of Munich. On the lake there are three islands, where the castle and the monastery are located. In Chiemsee, you can go fishing, yachting and other water sports.

Lake Tegernsee stretches in the foothills of the Bavarian Alps, 50 kilometers from Munich. The climate on the lake is moderate comfortable, and in combination with thermal medicinal water, has an extremely positive effect on the body.

Lake Aybsee is located next to the famous ski resort of Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Around the lake there are many hiking and cycling routes, including the most beautiful views of the fabulous scenery of the German Alps.

Health Resorts

Famous Germany and its thermal health resorts .Perov is the name that comes to mind, it's certainly the famous Baden-Baden, a favorite vacation spot for our famous writers and other famous people of the century before last $ ±.The ancient town of Bad Kissenogen, enveloped in a calm cozy atmosphere, presents an opportunity for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system of metabolism .In order to improve health, you can visit the cities of Bad Griesbach, Bad Reichenhall, Bad Füssing and many other nice towns with the prefix Bad, after which you will undoubtedly strengthen your health both physically and morally..