What is the weather like in Greece in November?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
The last month of autumn, even in warm and sunny Greece, does not spoil the good weather. Of course, our temperatures can not be compared, the air will warm up to + 17-19 degrees in the daytime, at night it only gets to +13-15. In the mountainous regions of the country it will be colder than degrees by 5. On the coast, there are days when the thermometer passes over +20, although they are quite rare.

In this month, the relative humidity of the air rises, and rains begin. Due to dampness and often piercing piercing wind, the weather may seem colder than it is. But if you think about your outfit and do not forget the umbrella, then in Greece, which is not crowded at this time of year, you can organize a very comfortable excursion trip for yourself.

But the bathing season by November usually ends even on the southern islands of the country. The water remains fairly warm, on average +18, and sometimes +20 degrees, but it's not comfortable to swim: the beach is cool and windy.

February 8, 2012

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