What to bring to Greece?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Some say that Greece has everything, but in fact it is partly wrong.

First of all, it is worth to attend to the availability of comfortable shoes and a huge amount of clothes, since in some regions of the country with sunset it often becomes quite cool, and long Greek evenings would be somewhat insulting at the hotel.

As for shoes, then a great option will be worn sneakers, moccasins and all those models in which it is really comfortable to feel. If in the mind of a tourist there is an irresistible desire to go on vacation in new shoes - there are all chances to remember all the curses in your native language.

In addition, experienced experts are strongly advised to take with them less cash and more plastic cards, as Greek pickpockets do not slumber almost never, and the last crisis significantly exacerbated the situation.

Many Internet users are wondering for some reason how much money they need to take to Greece so as not to spend too much, but not to feel themselves on the social day. According to eyewitnesses, almost all goods and products in Greece, in terms of domestic price tags, are approximately the same. So commensurate your capabilities will be as simple as ever.

The only thing that worries a little is the price of gasoline. In the worst of times, it went up to two EUR per liter, and recently it keeps at the level of 1.7-1.9 EUR. It is worth remembering this if you decide to rent a car.

April 2, 2013

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