Reykjavik hotels

Book hotel in Iceland at the best price

  • Reykjavik hotels

Peak tourist season in Iceland - from the middle of June until the end of August. Every year the number of visitors is growing, so accommodation should be taken care of in advance. In the off-season, prices drop by 40 percent, but some hotels and guest houses are closed outside the season.

Expert comments on Iceland hotels

 Iceland hotels
Editions Thinness
Iceland hotel network, covering the whole island, in the majority offers excellent service and quite comfortable accommodation. However, hotel accommodation in the country will not be cheap.

The most famous hotel chain is Fosshotels. This is 9 hotels located in different parts of Iceland, near major cities and popular tourist destinations. The most famous is the Fosshotel Skaftafell, located in the National Park Schafftefell.

Another chain - Icelandair, which includes hotels Edda, working only in the summer, and fashionable Icelandair, located in the major cities of the country and famous for a truly Scandinavian style as in the interior , and the kitchen offered to the guests. The most famous of these is Nordica in Reykjavik.

Guest houses

Guest houses are widely distributed in Iceland: this is the so-called "transition" option between fairly expensive hotels and cheap hostels. In addition, this is an excellent option for those who prefer to travel the whole company - cheaper and more convenient.


The so-called Icelandic Farm Holidays are the real farms that host guests. Farms offering accommodation to tourists are compulsory licensing, so this option is both convenient and safe. You can settle in a separate house (and even a cottage) for guests, and rent a room in the farmhouse. In addition to immersing themselves in the rural way of life of locals and getting to know their cuisine, many farms offer various activities: fishing, hunting, horse riding, golf, sailing, etc.

This is a popular and promising direction of agro-tourism in Iceland , acquainting travelers with the traditional way of life for the island, little changed for several centuries.


Hostels are very popular in Iceland - there are only 25 of them, located in different parts of the island. Many of them are part of the Hostelling International Iceland network. The fact that it is international is evidenced by the possibility of acquiring a special membership card that gives the right to discounts for living for more than four days, not only in Iceland, but also in other countries.


To unite with the harsh nature Iceland and significant budget savings can be recommended to stay at the campsite. There are many of them, and they provide a variety of services: from a banal place under a tent or a trailer with access only to cold water to real camps with hot showers, laundries and cooking equipment.

Still choosing camping as an overnight stay, it is necessary to take care of warm clothes, sleeping bags, etc.: Iceland is primarily a northern country, and the weather here is unpredictable. However, this does not prevent the camping from gaining more and more popularity among tourists. The exception is Reykjavik - almost no campsites near the capital.

Hotel prices in Iceland

Hotel accommodation means the best accommodation. In Iceland, hotel accommodation costs from $ 100 to $ 300 per night, depending on the amenities provided. Typically, a Scandinavian buffet breakfast is included in the room rate.

Guesthouses, often providing services in the Bed & Breakfast format, offer a smaller list of services, but are very much appreciated by traveling whole families or large companies. On average, the double room will cost $ 120. Breakfast is most often included in the price.

Perhaps the cheapest option to spend the night in Iceland is camping. Depending on whether you are provided with the usual place for a tent or more amenities, such accommodation will cost from $ 5 to $ 15.