The "Imagine the World" Tower

Reykjavik, Imagine Peace Tower

Iceland Attractions One of the most touching monuments dedicated to a loved one is the offspring of Yoko Ono, the famous widow of the legendary Beatle, John Lennon. But like everything that this couple did, the monument can not be called just a block of stone - it is a global work of art and a message to the world.

Mount Esja

Reykjavik, Esja

Iceland Attractions The volcano, which erupted 2-3 million years ago, the "guardian angel" of Reykjavik and one of the most common names among blond Icelandic girls is all Esya, a mountain that rises 10 km from the capital of the country to the delight of all lovers of panoramic views.

House of Hövdi

Reykjavik, Austurbær Capital Region

Iceland Attractions The amazing story of a small mansion that, without the knowledge of the authorities, appeared on the northern lands of the capital of Iceland, makes the crowds of tourists day by day approach, alas, closed to visits to the Hovdi's house, to look through the windows and make against the background a traditional "selfi."

Concert hall and congress center "Harpa" $ $

Reykjavik, Austurbakki, 2

Iceland Attractions A new diamond in the Reykjavik collection that appeared on the city map not so long ago is the concert hall and the Harpa congress center that won the prestigious Mies van der Rohe architectural prize in 2013. The amazing building looks like a spaceship from the future.

Perlan Cultural Center

Reykjavík, Oskjuhlio, Box 5252

Iceland Attractions The avant-garde, extravagant and simply eccentric Bjork was not accidentally born in Reykjavik. Well, in what other country in the world could this fragile young lady grow up with crazy ideas and a genius voice, but not in Iceland, where the city's boiler house is made a cultural center?

Videy Island

Reykjavik, Videy

Iceland Attractions Videy Island is a unique place, but little known even to those tourists that they ventured to get to the frozen expanses of this ancient and beautiful country like the elven saga. It's no wonder: the beauty of national parks, thermal geysers and waterfalls overshadow the seemingly inconspicuous island of sushi.

Sun Voyager Monument

Reykjavik, Sculpture & Shore Walk

Iceland Attractions "Sunny wanderer" or "solar traveler" - this is how Russian translates one of the most uncomplicated and therefore brilliant sculptures in the world. Created by the sketches of the talented Icelandic artist Jon Gunnar Arnason, Sun Voyager was installed on the Reykjavik quay

Reykjavik City Hall

Reykjavik City Hall

Iceland Attractions One of the most controversial sights of the capital of Iceland, located in the heart of the city and still causing a stormy discussion, and sometimes condemnation of local residents. Of course, we are talking about the city hall of Reykjavik.



Iceland Attractions It was in Tingvellir that the place of gathering of the parliament, the so-called Althingga, was located, by decision of which more than a thousand years ago in 930 the first settlers started the formation of a new people - the Icelanders. It is believed that after this the descendants of the Vikings, who were at war with each other, united in one nation.

Folk Museum Arbaeyarsafn

Reykjavik, Arbæjarsafn

Iceland Attractions The biggest open-air museum in Iceland, which is located right in 30 buildings and introduces visitors to the "Reykjavik Outgoing" is Arbaejarsafn, a real treasury of original folklore, amazing traditions and ancient architecture of this northern country.


Reykjavík, Skolavorqustigur, 101

Iceland Attractions The powerful, utterly futuristic and rough piercing sky firm building of the Ludheran church Hadlgrimskirka would be more organic in the TV series "Babylon-5" than in the center of one of the capitals of the Old World. For most of the orthodox tourists, the appearance of the temple is perplexing.

Iceland is a fantastic "ice country". Everyone who has ever been here, will never forget her extraordinary nature. The heart of Iceland is the city of Reykjavik, it is in it that more historical sites are concentrated.

Travelers should visit the National Museum and Gallery of Iceland, the Church of Hallgrimskirkia, which houses the world-famous modernist body. Also of interest is the Arnie Magnusson Institute, whose walls are kept by unique old books with traditional sagas and an extensive collection of historical works.

But in fact, the main attractions of this unusual country are not historical and architectural monuments, but something that is outside of large cities. All the splendor of Iceland lies in its inimitable nature.

The nature of Iceland is

It is the natural riches of the icy land that attract thousands of travelers to visit this beautiful country. It's enough just to be in Iceland to understand the reason for this huge unrestrained love. Landscapes are represented by numerous waterfalls, amazing fjords, majestic volcanoes and geysers.

All seasons seem to merge into one. Winter eternally argues with the summer, warm winds and currents are replaced by ruthless northern streams. Nature may seem even harsh, which is why Iceland has remained an unoccupied island for a long time.

The first Scandinavian who tried to settle on the island - Norwegian Floka, nicknamed Raven, could live on it only a year, after which he left the unfriendly land, calling it the "land of ice" - Iceland.

National Parks

Today, many regions of the island have received the status of national parks. Local people carefully and even care about the nature of their native land, realizing that it is fragile enough. On the territory of Iceland, there are three national parks: Sneifeldsjöküldl, Vatnayöküldl and Thingvellir.

Previously, there were two other parks: Scaftafetl and Yokulsaurgluvur, which, after 2008, became part of Vatnayöküld, making it today a territory of more than 1 million hectares and is the largest national park in Europe.

Park Tingvellir is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, since this place is a unique testament to the era of Icelandic democracy. Earlier in the valley of the Tingvellir, the equestrian routes of all regions of Iceland converged.

The National Park Sneifeldsjöküdl is in the west of Iceland at the tip of the peninsula. In fact, this park is a giant glacier. This region became famous due to the fact that once Jules Verne chose it as a place where the events of the novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" unfolded.

Volcanoes of Iceland

One of the main attractions of the country are majestic volcanoes. In total there are more than 25 volcanoes on the territory of Iceland. Moreover - the island itself once arose as a result of the eruption of liquid basalt.

The Ascia volcano is located in the territory of Vatnajökull National Park. As a result of his eruption in 1875, two large lakes were formed: Esqujuvatn and Viti, as well as several craters. Hekla volcano is considered to be the most active volcano in Iceland.

In the Middle Ages, the locals called it "the gateway to hell".

Another Curling volcano is in the northern part of the island, its height reaches 1.538 meters, and Curling is considered the highest mountain of the northern coast.

In the territory of the park Snayfeldsjökyüdl there is the famous volcano Snayfelds, which, thanks to the fantasy of Jules Verne, also received a reputation as a "gateway to the underworld." Despite the fact that the last time it erupted in the 18th century, the volcano is not considered extinct to this day.

Iceland Fjords

One of the consequences of constant tectonic activity was the formation of numerous fjords. They are narrow and winding sea bays, surrounded by steep rocky shores. The ice country is one of the few corners of the planet where these amazing formations meet.

The largest fjords are located in the eastern and western parts of the island. The western fjords are the oldest region of Iceland. It is here that the lighthouse Bjargantar is located - the most western part of Europe. One of the most famous is Hvalfjordur, also called the Whale Fjord. This name was given due to the fact that a considerable number of whales were living near the shores and some time ago a whaling company was located here.

The territory is not predominantly inhabited, and therefore the wild nature thrives here in all its glory. In the fjords area there is a huge number of rare bird species, in particular, you can see a dead end bird - one of the symbols of Iceland.


In addition to volcanoes and fjords, Iceland is famous for its beautiful waterfalls. The glaciers are melted in the warm season, filling the mountain rivers with water. In total there are a few dozen famous waterfalls in the country, as well as a huge number of nameless waterfalls. One of the most famous can be called the "golden waterfall" Gullfoss, whose beauty can be appreciated by visiting its foot in sunny weather.