Good morning. I wanted to clarify with you. I flew a month ago from Goa, I really liked india and I would like to return to this country. The visa was opened for me only once, for half a year. The second time I can not fly on it, of course. Tell me please, how soon can I open a new visa?

Responds company "Labyrinth."
You can request a new visa right now. Check your previous visa, is it exactly a one-time visa? Typically, Indians for six months give double-entry visas.
Responds Maria Dashkevich, "India-Tour" company - $
At the moment there are no restrictions on the terms of visa processing. Documents for a new visa You can apply for a visa to the visa center of India today. By the way, the visa center of India in Moscow has recently moved and is now located at: Moscow, ul. Novy Arbat, 2/4, off. No. 412. Entrance from the back of the building, turn to the left after the arch. Tel: +7 (495) 638-56-54, 638-56-54. The nearest metro station: Arbatskaya (blue branch) 150 m. Landmark: Mts bank.

April 28, 2014

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