Tell me, please, how to apply for a visa to India for a Ukrainian citizen (Crimea) in Moscow? I bought tickets Moscow-Delhi, in Moscow I study in courses, I have a visa for 90 days.

Responds Maria Dashkevich, "India-Tour" company - $
You need to apply to the Visa Center of India in Moscow at the address: Nastasinsky Lane, 7, 1st floor.

Nearest metro station:

1. Pushkinskaya - about 250 m.

2. Tverskaya - about 250 m.

3. Chekhovskaya - about 250 m.

You can also call the Visa Center from 10:00 - 19:00 (Monday - Friday, except for designated holidays). Tel: +7 (495) 638-56-54.

E-mail: Center's website:

February 4, 2014

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