Legacy of the Sumatran rain forest

North Sumatra

National parks of Indonesia The legacy of the Sumatran Tropical Forest is a zone in which three national parks are included: Gunang Leyer, Kerinki Seblat and Bukit Barisan. In 2004, UNESCO declared the entire territory as a whole a World Heritage site up to the tenth level.


Bali Barat

National parks of Indonesia This park is an unofficial branch of paradise on earth. It is possible that one of the Balinese has returned from the same world and from memory has recreated on the Earth a piece of a wonderful world. The park is on the west side of the island. This is a kind of mixing of forests of mangrove, monsoon and tropics.


Java, Pasuruan, Jalan Bromo Tosari

National parks of Indonesia This national park is located in the southern part of Java and is named after its two mountains: Semer (the highest on the island - 3,676 m.) And Bromo (the most popular among tourists), and at the same time in honor of the people of Tenggers who used to live on these territories.


Java, Taman Nasional Karimunjawa

National parks of Indonesia This marine national park is located on the Karimundzhava archipelago, which is 80 km north of central Java. The archipelago consists of 27 islands, where it is not so easy to get there and where, accordingly, almost no idle tourists meet. This is a favorite place for surfers, divers and wealthy Indonesians.


Komodo National Park

National parks of Indonesia For most of us, Indonesia, above all, is associated with Bali - a fashionable resort with an unearthly beauty of nature. But there are a lot of amazing islands in this state that are famous for their unique flora and fauna.

Lorenz National Park

Lanny Jaya, Lorentz National Park

National parks of Indonesia This national park is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It is located in the southeast and in the center of the province of Papua, which is in the eastern half of the island of New Guinea. This makes the park one of the most remote and inconvenient to visit.


Java, Ujung Kulon National Park

National parks of Indonesia The national park Ujung-Kulon is located on the very south-western tip of Java, on the Sunda shelf. Its territory includes the peninsula of the same name and several coastal islands - including the Krakatau Nature Reserve. Ujung-Kulon was the first national park of the country.

The rich fauna of Indonesia is carefully protected in the vastness of 44 national parks of the country, as well as in a variety of eco-parks and wildlife sanctuaries. These include: the Gede National Park, only 100 km from Jakarta, the Uyung Coulomb (south-western tip of Java, Javanese rhinos, monkeys, Timor deer, wild boar), Pulau Seribu is one of the popular diving sites, the national park of the island of Komodo, where you can meet with giant lizards.

The pride of Sumatra and Kalimantan are relict rain forests, where a fantastic variety of unique plants grows and rare animals such as orangutans, Javan rhinoceroses and tigers live. The most famous forest reserves are Bukit-Barysan-Selatan, Gunung-Leser and Kerinshi-Seblat.

In Indonesia, you can see the largest (and most, so to speak, fragrant) flower of the world - the giant rafflesia of Arnoldi.

In addition to everything else on the islands, 167 active volcanoes smoke and spit ash - more than in any other country in the world!

An amazing feature of the flora and fauna of Indonesia is the presence of both Asian and Australian species. The boundary of biological diversity passes through the so-called Wallace line, between the islands of Bali and Lombok.

In Indonesia, you can see the largest (and most, so to speak, fragrant) flower of the world - the giant rafflesia of Arnoldi.