Field Anastasia

Ask the expert Expert-Iranian, development director of the tour operator company Mir Calypso - Persian tourist center. A deep knowledge of the country and the culture of Iran allows Anastasia not just to professionally engage in this eastern direction, but literally feel like a wizard capable of waking to show people a Persian fairy tale. Magnificent palaces, blue mosques, ancient cities and unique nature - all this is imbued with the unique spirit of ancient culture and the great history of Persia.

Company Calypso World - Persian Tourist Center - a multi-profile tour operator offering tours to almost all countries of the world, recommended for visiting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for recreation and travel. The registration number in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators is MTZ 008188 awarded by the Federal Agency for Tourism.

The company works with the support of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Cultural Representative Office in Moscow.

The main activities are cognitive, pilgrimage, therapeutic and health-improving, spa tourism, weekend tours, beach holidays, skiing, event, incentive tours, organization of sports fees abroad, as well as halal rest (Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine) .

We are also ready to offer you a quality reception, accommodation, excursion service in Moscow, the Golden Ring and in St. Petersburg. If necessary, we will provide an accredited guide-interpreter, and also we will offer you an individual itinerary, we will develop a program of events taking into account all your wishes.

VIP-vacation - exclusive tours, rent of villas, yachts, aircraft, in accordance with the wishes of the client, VIP-service at the airport. Special units have been created for the service, ready to provide reception for the upper class. Under your order we organize a tour of any complexity and any direction.


  • our address is: 101000, Moscow, Krivokolenny lane 12, building 2, office 13.
  • Phones: +7 (495) 651-61-91 (multichannel)
We very much ask you! If you do not call from Moscow, please provide your phone number (with the city code) to managers via e-mail or ICQ. If you do not have such an opportunity, call your phone number when you call. We will call you back! You want to rest, why should you spend your money on telephone calls?
  • e-mail:

Opening Hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00.