Book hotel in Iran at the best price

Iran is not a particularly tourist country, so you should take care of accommodation in local hotels in advance: there are not very many hotels here and they are all very different in terms of service.

Life in Iran depends heavily on various kinds of significant dates: from Muslim holidays to the arrival of religious leaders. When planning a trip to Iran, try to avoid both of these events, because, firstly, the places in hotels will be sorely missed and without preliminary booking can not do, and secondly, on such days everything in the country is subject to strict regulations, to which not every foreigner will be ready.

Expert Reviews on Iran Hotels - $

Hotels in Iran
Editors of Subtleties

Hotels in Iran differ from truly luxurious, corresponding to the level of European 5 * (هتل) located in the largest cities of the country, to quite nice, small and cheap mosāmetkhuneh (مسافرخانه) and pensions mehmānpazir (مهمانپذیر), which can be found in most populated points of the country.

The mosāferkhuneh is always welcome to foreign tourists: their owners are usually often so happy to provide a room to non-Iranians, which give them preference in the event of a shortage of seats.

Cheap hotels in Iran vary by traditional and usual:

  • The traditional Iranian hotel is a natural old-style caravanserai - there are those in Yazd, Isfahan and Shiraz.
  • A typical hotel, as a rule, is located in a standard block building with corridors and a lot of monotonous rooms, reminiscent of a very modest hostel.

The same tourists who plan to stay for a period of a week or more will be able to save a bit on accommodation, thus removing a separate villa with all amenities. So cottages and villas with central air conditioning, a swimming pool and high-speed Internet can be rented in Tehran and other major cities of Iran at reasonable prices.

Prices for accommodation in hotels in Iran - $

The category of Iranian hotels is usually determined by eye: if you are offered a room less than $ 20, then most likely the shower and toilet will be shared on the floor. Moreover, cheap Iranian hotels sin with dirty bed linen, lack of towels and even possible lack of amenities such as a refrigerator and TV in the room.

The orders in the hotels of Iran are very strict: a woman with a man can not be placed in one room without the confirmation of a legally registered marriage, or blood relationship.

If the price of a room in the hotel is announced $ 30 and above, then you can count on comfort of the European level.

True, not all hotels in Iran will be able to provide you with an approved price list for reception - much more often the concierge himself calls the price. And, which is not uncommon, he may well call the overestimated cost of the room, especially if the tourists arrived at the hotel late at night.

Positioning features

The orders in the hotels of Iran are very strict: a woman with a man can not be placed in one room without the confirmation of a legally registered marriage, or blood relationship (father-daughter, brother and sister). To foreigners, however, are not very strict requirements (sometimes it is enough to report on kinship in words, without documentary confirmation), but it all depends on the specific case.

Breakfast is usually included in the price. In cheap hotels it is a la carte, in hotels more expensive you can meet a buffet.

At the same breakfast in hotels are exactly the same regardless of the level of the hotel. They usually include: fried eggs or just boiled eggs, a piece of feta cheese, some butter, a little jam and / or honey and pita bread. Sometimes tomatoes cut into slices are also served.

In some hotels in the lobby tourists are offered to use the services of taxi drivers who organize excursions to the nearby attractions. In higher-level hotels the traveler will also be able to purchase tickets for airplane, train or intercity bus.