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The Azadi Tower

Tehran, Kuy Mehr Abad

Sights of Iran Tehran, the capital of amazing Iranian land, the place where the ancient civilization was born, where the traces of thousand-year-old cities were left and history dates back to BC, fully justifies its invaluable cultural and historical significance.

Naksh-Rustam and the Zarathustra Cube

Perespol, Naqs-e Rostam

Sights of Iran Not far from Persepolis on the Iranian land is the archaeological zone of Naksh-Rustam, where once the great people of Ancient Persia were buried. Steep cliffs, the oldest of which is about three thousand years old, are tombs of Persian kings and are considered a sacred place.

Imam Square in Isfahan

Isfahan, Imam Square (Shah Square)

Sights of Iran Built in the late 16th century, the Imam Square in Isfahan is still amazing with its unusual size. Its length is 560 meters and its width is 165 meters. The active construction of this historic complex began from the moment when the Iranian Shah Abbas the First moved his capital to Isfahan.

Mount Tash-Kuh in Iran

Tashkuh Mountain

Sights of Iran Iran is a country filled with amazing natural wonders. In the territory of one small state you can see calm and proud mountains, ghost and lifeless deserts, solonchaks and plains. Often the local nature seems to be drawn, so extraordinary is its beauty.

Golestan Palace

Tehran, Panzdaeh Khordad, Arq Square

Sights of Iran The oldest of the historical monuments of Tehran, the Golestan Palace belongs to a complex of royal buildings, once part of the straw-clayed historical Citadel of Tehran. This stunning beauty museum-palace, decorating the capital of Iran, served as the residence of the noble family of Kajars.

Palace complex "Saadabad"

Tehran, St Sadabad

Sights of Iran The palace complex "Saadabad" is a cultural treasury of Iran, a place where you can get acquainted with the brightest facets of the arts of this old country as the world - starting with the marvelous, subtle work of carpets, ending with a formidable weapon that casts gloomy associations even because of the glass windows. ±​​$ The

Kandowan Village

Sights of Iran The village of Kandovan, located in the Iranian province of East Azerbaijan, can shock the imagination of any traveler. Imagine only: several thousand people live in a village carved from the rock!

House-glacier in Yazda

Yazd, Navab Safavi Blvd

Sights of Iran Since ancient times people have been faced with the issue of storing perishable products. This is especially true of countries with warm climates. A kind of refrigerator of that time and there were so-called glacier houses, one of which has survived to our days in Yazd.

Chalus road

Road 59

Sights of Iran The city of Chalus is a port in Iran, Mazandaran province, and nowadays it is a popular resort. Most Tehran residents rest here, but the development of infrastructure (sanatoria and small private hotels) is gradually contributing to the influx of tourists.

Iranian National Museum

Tehran, 30th Tir

Sights of Iran The largest historical and archaeological museum in the country - the Iranian National Museum - its collection covers a period of 70 years and has more than 300 thousand exhibits. Moreover, today it is considered one of the most prestigious museums in the world.

St. Sarkis Cathedral

Tehran, intersection of Ostad Nejatollahi and Karim-Khan streets

Sights of Iran In the heart of the Iranian capital stands a cross decorating the top of St. Sarkis Cathedral. It does not surprise anyone here, because about six hundred churches are scattered all over the country, in Tehran alone there are 37.

Mausoleum of Saadi

Shiraz, Saa'di

Sights of Iran Saadi's mausoleum in Shiraz is not as popular as the mausoleum of Hafiz, but still it remains one of the main sights of the city. A huge number of Iranians and not only come here to offer a prayer and honor the memory of the great poet.

Mausoleum of Hafiz Shirazi

Shiraz, St Hafezie

Sights of Iran The Mausoleum of Hafiz is one of the most famous and visited attractions of Shiraz. The architectural complex consists of a memorial hall, Hafiz, and an open pavilion, which is set over a marble tomb. Pavilion, erected under the guidance of the French architect Andre Godard.

Mausoleum of Shah-Cherah

Shiraz, St Ahmadi

Sights of Iran Mosque-mausoleum Shah-Cherah is a landmark that can not be missed while in Shiraz. It is a majestic tombstone, where the graves of two brothers, Ahmed and Mohammed, the sons of Moussa al-Kadim and the brothers Imam Reza are located.

Jami Mosque in Isfahan

Isfahan, St Majlesi

Sights of Iran The Jami Mosque ("Friday Mosque") in Isfahan is one of the oldest in Iran, an architectural masterpiece that has become a model for imitation: it was in its likeness that religious buildings were built all over the Muslim world since the 12th century.

Carpet Museum in Tehran

Tehran, Dr.Sc. Fatemi

Sights of Iran Carpet weaving is one of the types of national Iranian art, thanks to which the country is famous all over the world. Iranian carpets with unique patterns, made with love and amazing taste, make up one of the main exports of the country.

Lake Urmia

Urmia Lake

Sights of Iran Lake Urmia is located in the northwestern part of Iran, east of the Kurdish Mountains, stretching for 140 km in length and about 50 km in width. Lake Urmia itself and surrounding landscapes represent an indescribable, fascinating picture. The relief terrain disperses the light, giving it softness.

Kish Island


Sights of Iran Kish Island is located in the northeast of the Persian Gulf and enjoys considerable popularity among residents and tourists - today it has the status of the most visited resort in Iran. Despite its very modest size, the coral island of Kish attracts travelers with the sea and beaches


Sights of Iran It is probably unfair to say that there are only seven miracles in the world, because in fact they are much more, in particular, a masterpiece of Persian architecture and engineering thought - the most ancient royal city of Persepolis could well have occupied one of the most worthy places among them. >

Ruins of Pasargada

Sights of Iran Built on the orders of the Persian king Cyrus (Kurosh) of the Second, Pasargada for some time served as the capital of the Great Persian Empire. Today from the once majestic and crowded city there were only ruins. The city is located about 130 kilometers from Shiraz.

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The history of Iran goes back to ancient times, to the origins of the human race .It is quite obvious that for centuries and millennia of existence on Earth this amazing country, stretching its expanses from the shores of the gentle Caspian Sea, the Persian and Oman gulfs of the Indian Ocean to the snow-capped mountain peaks, has accumulated an incredible number of monuments of history and architecture..Here one of the greatest empires of the world was born - the Persian empire, which left traces of its existence, its ups and downs in every corner of Iran .

One of the greatest riches of the Persian land is the set of ancient ruins: there one can meet here the ruins of cities, where thorough excavations of invaluable artifacts belonging to long-existing dynasties are being held.

It is believed that Iran is the ancestor of the first in the world and quite powerful civilization, the state of Elam, described in the Bible. There is also a version that it was here that the divine Garden of Eden was located.

One of the most popular tourist-archaeological magnets in the whole Eastern region is Persepolis, an ancient city, destroyed by Alexander the Great and came down to us in ruins, which does not detract from its value and attractiveness. During the excavations begun in the 20th century, a lot of curious objects were found, the age of which does not fit into the head.

Among historical excavations, no less interesting are Pasargada, Hegmatan, Susa, as well as ziggurats Dur-Untash and Sialk. The province of Kerman is famous for excavations of the ancient settlement of Meimanda, which is considered one of the first on Earth.

The capital of Iran, the ancient city of Tehran, is very rich in various sights. The architectural symbol of the city is called the Tower of Freedom (Borgia Azadi), made of white marble. Rising at the main entrance to the city, she received the nickname "Gateway to Tehran." Another tower, Borgia Milad, is the tallest building in Iran and the fourth tallest in the world.

In Tehran, there are many palaces, the appearance of which is striking in its beauty and grace. The most famous palaces of the great kings of Persia and their associates: Golestan, Ivan e-Takht E-Marmar, White and Green palaces, as well as Shams al-Amarat and Amarat e-Badgir.

There are a lot of museums in Iran devoted to various historical achievements of this beautiful country and various art directions. Those who dream to learn more about the history of Iranian civilization and culture, numbering ten thousand years from the Paleolithic to the 7th century AD. e., you need to get to the National Museum of Iran. Other thematic museums will also tell about it: the Museum of Iran's History, the Museum of Modern Art, the Golestan palace complex, the Ganj Ali Khan museum-museum, the Carpet Museum in Tehran, the Ceramics Museum and many others.

Iran is rich in natural attractions. Among them, special attention is paid to the extinct volcano Demavend, on the top of which one can climb on foot, Ali-Sadr Cave with drawings of primitive people on the walls, the Shah-fin garden and the Tang-e Chahu canyon, in the depths of which the legendary genie lives. The

No less noteworthy are the tomb of the biblical prophet Daniel, the clay fortress wall in Bam, the ancient bazaars, the paradise gardens that serve as a wonderful setting for the numerous legends that envelop the history of Iran from the most ancient times..After all, it is believed that this country is the ancestor of the first civilization in the world, described in the Bible .So, according to some theologians, in Iran, on the territory of the ancient city of Tabriz, there was a divine garden Eden .And the present-day Iranian city of Shush is located on the site of the ancient city of Susa, the capital of the state of Elam, one of the most developed civilizations in the world, as repeatedly mentioned in the Bible .