Managers in Iran on the "Subtlety of Tourism"

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  • Achinsk
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    (Moscow region)
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  • Jubilee
    (Moscow region)
Subway or district
  • Svetlana Malina

    m. Profsoyuznaya

    ul. Novocheremushkinskaya, 44, ะบ.1

  • Olga Petrachuk

    m. Red Gate

    Furmanny pereulok, 18

  • Polina Mikhaylenko

    m. Tverskaya

    ul. Tverskaya, 18, building 1, office. 308

  • Vera Tereshchenko

    m. Mayakovskaya

    ul. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 23, page 5

  • Olga Popova

    m. Chekhovskaya

    Pushkin Square, 5, off. 212

  • Anastasia Stepanova

    m. Alekseevskaya

    pr-ct. Mira, d. 114A, of. 14

All managers on Iran

Wander through the ancient streets of the oldest cities on earth ,drown in the azure blue of painted domes and precious ceramics ,to negotiate a real Persian carpet directly from the machine ,to drink tea from a samovar for the evening call to a prayer prayer ,read the rubai on the grave of Khayyam and talk about Zoroastrianism with a gray-bearded fire-worshiper - that's just a short list of fascinating studies ,which prepare travelers for tours to Iran - the heart of the Persian world ,stronghold of severe Shiism ,a huge and surprisingly beautiful country.

Tours in Iran - the concept of off-season. Due to vast spaces and a variety of climatic zones at any time of year in Iran there will certainly be an area where the tourist will be comfortable. The coast of the Persian Gulf, for example, is visited in winter, and a visit to Tehran can be safely planned for the summer: a moderate microclimate prevails in the Caspian region. Sightseeing tours around the country are usually held in spring and autumn, when comfortable temperatures are in the south and in the north.

In terms of tourist interest, Iran "starts and wins" a battle with many world tourism centers. Without exaggeration, we can say that everything is here. Literally everything.

In terms of tourist interest, Iran "starts and wins" a battle with many world tourism centers .Without exaggeration, we can say that everything is .Literally everything is ."Excursion" is the most extensive, which is worth at least the architectural riches of Tehran, which, it seems, have not even been recounted even by experts from historical science..But there are also the ruins of the great empires of the past, numerous magnificent monuments of Zoroastrianism, ancient temples, sanctuaries and ziggurats, crazy beautiful noble houses, the richest museums and treasures, the amazing beauty of parks and gardens, where the fountain cooing so sweetly dreams of the eternal! We also mention the natural sights of the country: caves, waterfalls, protected forests and picturesque mountains, desert areas and stretching to the horizon plateau .So it is quite understandable that tours to Iran are offered primarily sightseeing .Both the Caspian and Persian coasts are not on the list of the best places in the world for beach holidays, although in all respects decent resorts are available here..Yes, this can not be the goal: how can you "vegetatively" lie on the beach when such an unearthly beauty is around!

Another reason for the popularity of tours to Iran is the very pleasant cheapness of the "land". The maximum that you have to spend on is a flight; having stepped onto the Iranian land, it is easy to feel like a real millionaire: the prices here are more than moderate, and with a modest, by Moscow standards, a budget can afford a lot.

Among other convenient "chips" - a progressive system of travel within the country: tickets for transport even to the most remote corner are easy to book on the Internet, departures are frequent and scheduled, and the cost of even air travel is almost ridiculous. That is why Iran enjoys well-deserved love from independent travelers.

It is worth dispelling and prejudice .Say, in Iran very strictly with the dress code and the authorities are simply obsessed with the suppression of all "depravity" .In fact, it is enough to observe a few simple rules - and no one will say a word to you .Unusual will seem unless wearing a headscarf, however, we assure, this is not a big concession for the sake of acquaintance with the delightful Iran..As for alcohol, although no one will interfere with your drinking, for the period of travel you can and refrain - it is better to try the famous Iranian teas and delicious sweets .