Israel and Palestine are two opposite sides of the armed confrontation that has been dragging on for more than a decade..It is believed that the beginning of this conflict was laid back at the end of the 19th century, when the idea of ​​creating a separate state for those who suffered constant persecution of Jews .After the end of the First World War, which entailed a new "redistribution" of territories in the Middle East, the question of returning to Earth the Promised people, whose ancient ancestors once lived in the kingdom of Judah, was particularly acute, but the Arab states and the Arabs living in Palestine were sharply against it .

The fact that the word "Palestinians" today refers to the Arabs who lived and lives in the territory of modern Israel is a merit of the 20th century. Previously, this word did not have ethnic coloring. They were simply designated by the whole population. Moreover, historically ancient Palestine goes far beyond the borders of the small state of Israel, and only after the First World War did a kind of "renaming" take place.

After the proclamation of the State of Israel in Palestine in 1948, the last was declared war by the League of Arab States, which led to the flight from Israel of the Arab population and eviction as a result of brutal pogroms of Jews from Arab countries..Further events aggravated an already complex relationship .The famous Six Day War in 1967, significantly expanded the borders of Israel, but did not solve the problem .In particular, the eastern part of Jerusalem was included in the state, where many shrines are concentrated for both Jews and Muslims..Today, the situation has softened somewhat, but the struggle for territories continues .

Ancient Israel - $ Israel and Palestine
Ancient city in Israel - $ Israel and Palestine
Israel in January Israel and Palestine