How to open a visa to Italy with Ukrainian citizenship in Russia?

Responds Ivina Tverskaya, "The World of Wanderings" company, $
To apply for a visa for CIS citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, temporary registration is required for at least 6 months at the time of filing the documents with the consulate and valid for at least 3 months after the end of the trip, a migration card, a certificate from the workplace, a certificate from the bank. $
Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
To visit Italy Citizens of Russia and CIS countries need a Schengen visa, to apply for which you need to get visa centers in Italy in the cities of Russia or the state of the CIS, of which you are a citizen.

The list of documents in general does not differ from "obschechenshenskogo": the identity of the tourist plus photocopies, booking airline tickets and the hotel, confirming financial solvency (pay special attention to the requirements for bank statements).

Differences in the design of an Italian visa for citizens of Ukraine: you need two photos and two certificates from your place of work. One certificate is standard with requisites, job description, salary, etc. And the second - in Form No. 3, indicating wages and taxes paid for the last three months, broken down monthly, signed by the chief accountant and certified by the seal of the company. The visa is issued in the consular department of the Italian Embassy in Kiev.

The terms for issuing visas are often delayed - we recommend you submit documents as early as possible (you can apply for a visa 90 days before the trip).

October 31, 2013

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