The Latvian language (latviešu valoda) is one of the two Eastern Baltic languages, preserved to this day (along with Lithuanian).

Latvian: the first words

Greetings, common expressions

Hello Labden or sleighs
Good Morning Labriot
Good day Labdien
Good evening Labwakar
Good bye Uzradzashanos
So far Ataa
How are you? Kaaet?
Thank you, good Paldies, labi
Thank you Paldis
Sorry Atvainoyet
Yes Я
No Nee
Please Louzu
I do not speak in Latvian Es nerunaayu latviski
What is your name? Kaa Youus saus?
My name is ... Mani sauss ...
Does anyone here speak Russian? Kaads runa kraeviski?
I do not understand you Es Yuus neasaproth

Figures and numbers

Zero Nullah
One Wiens
Two Divi
Three Triis
Four Chathry
Five Pietsi
Six Sashi
Seven Septini
Eight Astoni
Nine Devini
Ten Dismith
Twenty Divdessmith
Twenty-one Divdasmite Visa
Twenty-two Divdasmith div
Thirty + $ Trisisdemit
Forty + $ Чэтрдесмит
Fifty Пиецдесмит
Sixty + $ Sessdemit
Seventy Saptindesmith
Eighty ±​​$$ Астондесмит
Ninety Devindesmith
Hundred Simts
Thousand Tuukstotis


Where is the hotel / cinema / casino nearby? Courtesy Shavat Tuvumaya Aries / Cinema / Casino?
Could you write me the address? Yus nevaretu uzrakstiit mans adresi?
Do you accept credit cards? Yus pienamit credit card?
How much breakfast is served? Cicos panedadz brokastis?
I'd like to pay $ ±​​$ Es fungetu norekinaaties
I will pay in cash Es maxaushu skaydraa naudaa

For the good of the case

I like you Tu manman of the party
Beauty Skystool
Handsome Skajstulis
Let's meet again? Warboot Satiximies Welrays?
Can I kiss you? Is Dryikst Tavi noskupstiit?
I love you Es tavi mileu
Let's remain friends? Palixim of the drauga?
And for you! Ka tavi!
I really like your capital Tallinn! Man Loti patyik Yuyusu Galvaspilset Tallinn!
Itself the fool. You think, confused Iedomayes, Sayatsu.
I do not know how apple cider, and the beer you have is very tasty. Nezinu kaa-abolu sidris, bet alus pie yms loti harshigs
Latvian girls are very beautiful! Latvieshu maitenes - lots of skystas!
Yes, dear, I'm telling you this Yaya - yaya, mililaa, es teve then saku
From Riga to Jurmala did not see a girl better than you + $ But Riigas Liids Jürmalai näesmu redzeis labaaku meitani pair tevi
How about a stroll to a nude beach? Warboot pastaigaaamiyes liidz nudistu pludmalei?
And I was not rude at all, I did not know that you are around the corner Es nebiyu rupush, es taschu nesinayayu, ka yusus ais stouer staviet
Recommend a nightclub in Riga - $ Isesakiet накс to club Риигаа


How much does it cost? Cic tas maxaa?
I'll buy it Es pirksu sho
Can you write a price? Yus cooking variegated zenu?
Can you lower the price? Yus varieet pazeminata tsenu?
I would like to buy ... Es gribaetu npirirt ...


How much is the ticket to ...? Tsik maksaa bilete Uz?
Two tickets in ..., please Divas Bileates Uz ..., louudzu
How can I get ...? Kaan man noklut ...?
Please show on the map Loudzu, the kartake parade ...
Where can I buy a ticket? Cours es brew a nodirkt bileti?
Can I walk? Es vara ayziet kaayayam?
I'm lost Es upmaldies

Thank you for your help in preparing Phrasebook Thomas Dick.